

Yulia Levkovich is a representational painter. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally including the Beau-Xi Gallery, Flowers Gallery and Munson-Williams Arts Institute. Yulia had worked previously as Art Production Assistant for Jeff Koons, where there she worked on pieces that were exhibited at Versailles and Gagosian Gallery.

Yulia has taught privately, as well as in several institutions including The New York Academy of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and currently teaches at Pratt Munson-Williams Proctor Arts Institute in Utica, NY.

Yulia was born in Ukraine, where her family first immigrated to Israel, then to Canada. In Canada is where she was exposed to the Russian School of Painting, through private apprenticeship with Emmanuel Katz at the age of 13.

She completed her rigorous training at the Academy of Realist Art under the tutelage of Michael John Angel, who himself studied with Pietro Annigoni. During her training at the Academy, she received her BFA from OCAD University in Toronto. She proceeded to receive her MFA at the New York Academy of Art, after graduating with Honors in 2008.

General Information

First Name


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Work Experience

Job Title

adjunct faculty



Date Started
