General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Medical Laboratory Technician


Sanford Health

Date Started




I’m lisa, and I have quite the testimony. I have encountered health challenges since birth. From severe allergies to 3 separate autoimmune diseases and a genetic mutation, healthcare has been in my blood so to speak. I have extensive experience in healthcare in EMS, laboratory, critical care, obstetrics as a Doula, hospice, long term care, memory care, also spiritually as a medium, helping others heal themselves and experience love within themselves. I encountered functional medicine in 2015 when my family practice provider transitioned into FM, and she saved my life with her practices. I was one of her first FM patients and the results were incredible and I was able to put myself into remission until I had a severe immune response to a vaccine I believe would protect me as a laboratory worker during Covid. I am on a mission to heal myself from that and to expand my knowledge to be able to not only help patients develop their spiritual and emotional healing journey, but to also find root causes of their health challenges and find peace and comfort in using a more natural approach.