General Information

First Name


Last Name

Clark Douglass



Work Experience

Job Title

Doctor of Education/Counsellor


Positive Heart Living

Date Started




Dr. Bonnie Clark Douglass is a native of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada and a Graduate from the University of New Brunswick with a B.Ed. and a Master’s Degree. Working with Public Safety and Youth at Risk she followed up with a Certificate in Criminology and Social Justice from STU. Her Doctoral Degree was completed in the program of Child and Youth Studies at the Nova Southeastern University in Florida. Her Doctoral thesis focused on creating a safety net for at-risk youth working in partnership with the Fredericton Police Force. Dr. Clark Douglass has spent over four decades serving her community and country with her expertise in the areas of cardiology and criminology. Dr. Clark Douglass was a founding member of the New Brunswick Cardiology Technicians Association. Her efforts have included training physicians, health care professionals and, over the past two decades, her focus has been working with people living in poverty, in the area of job skills and program development. Her achievements have resulted in provincial, national and international presentations and recognition. She has been a Member of the American Counselling Assoc. for a number of years and is also a Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Assoc. She was a Patient Experienced Advisor for Horizon health since 2013 and served on various committees to improve the health of NB.

Dr. Clark Douglass’ gift and ability to teach and speak for those without a voice is exemplified in her books, What’s Next? A Search for Hope and When Justice Fails.