General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



Snake River Holistic Health, PLLC

Date Started




Since I was young, I have wanted to contribute in some way in the healing arts. After returning to school to complete my Registered Nurse degree, I loved doing bedside care and working with patients. Later I entered into Nursing Leadership because I wanted to be able to have a greater impact on providing safe, high-quality care for patients and to support staff with what they needed to do their jobs well.

As time went on, I realized there must be more options available to assist patients in their quest for good health than what I saw with traditional Western Medicine. Patients seemed to be getting sicker over time, rather than better. Why was that? So I began exploring other healing modalities.

Although I had been blessed with good physical health most all my life, I had experienced depression since my early 20’s. Then about 2012, I began experiencing intense gut issues, dental problems, joint pain, brain fog, extreme fatigue, dry mouth and eyes, and lack of energy. My life completely changed in what seemed like overnight.

I was told there was nothing they could find. Later leaky gut was mentioned; and a dentist thought it could be a autoimmune disease called, Sjogren’s Syndrome, which explained many of my symptoms, but not all. Around this same time, I learned about how unresolved emotions can remain buried in the body leading to the development of dis-ease in the body. I was loaded with unresolved emotions left from a past difficult marriage and divorce!

While seeking answers and trying different treatments unsuccessfully, in 2019 I had finally reached the point where I thought I had to just accept the fact that this was my life now and may well be the way the rest of my life was going to be. That I just had to learn to live with the discomfort. I had begun to give up all hope for something better.

It was then that I began asking questions to my higher power, my Father in Heaven, and was led to greater understanding. He put my feet back on a path of learning more about health, nutrition, and other ways to support my body so it could heal itself. I was lead to trainings and educational opportunities to learn more and as I put these learnings into practice, I began to see improvement.

I am happy to report that today I experience high levels of energy and vitality. My brain fog has lifted. My depression has vanished. My dental and gut problems are resolving and mostly eliminated.

I learned that when I provided my body with the support it needed and made some important lifestyle changes, amazing things can happen! It happened for me, and it can happen for you. It is now my desire to help others and share what I have learned during my health journey. There is hope for you! You can regain your health, energy and vitality.

I am a mother of 4 amazing, talented adult children, mother-in-law to 3, and grandmother of 5 beautiful granddaughters. Health and family are my greatest gifts. I love to learn and attend trainings, travel and explore new places, and wear unique and awesome cowboy boots!