General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Art Teacher/Media Designer


Argonaut High School/Davidson Design

Date Started




I live in an ideal mountain community nestled on the western side of the Sierra Nevada in California.
Much of my creative inspiration is gathered from my environment.

In October 2013, I completed my thesis and was awarded a Master’s degree in Media Design with honors, from Full Sail University. That was only the most recent step on a journey begun some time ago.
All of my life I have loved beauty and made art. I earned an AA degree in Graphic Design in 1996 from Modesto Junior College. In 1997 I started my own business, Davidson Design. The business has been both challenging and rewarding, with a steadily growing client base. I continue to help a variety of clients, including performing arts groups, a manufacturer, local entrepreneurs, and a DVD producer, among others. Enlisting art from a perspective of health and healing in all channels of art I interact with.

I’ve also been active in other endeavors, including baking, gardening, riding a motorcycle, creating stained glass and other art projects. teaching guitar, playing and singing music and doing storytelling workshops in the community.

I am excited to focus my creative energy now on my passion to connect people with the healing properties of art. I have a desire to bring an artist’s heart to everything that I do.