General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

I do it all


All over

Date Started




I come from a big family and am the oldest sibling. I have some awesome nephews that make me an auntie and that’s probably my favorite role I have in my life. I cuss like a sailor, I have a strong work ethic, I’m very adventurous, and love late nights and early mornings.

I want to take my love for nature and science and apply it in a way that can help myself and others. I’ve had the calling to be a healer for quite some time. A spiritual, somatic, phycological, and holistic healer. I’ve always had an interest for biology, botany, ecology, herbalism and naturopathy. I feel like I’m here to help take my passions of nature, science, and healing, and apply them to a purpose.

I’m Bianca, a recovering drug addict alcoholic, and this is my first time going back to school since I dropped out of college 7 years ago. I’m excited for this new chapter of learning! (I also want to help heal people that suffer with mental illnesses and substance abuse. I chose naturopathy because f*ck big pharma. I want to get back to how nature intended for us to heal and grow.)

Dinosaurs are my favorite animal and my favorite color is blue. The end.