Work Experience

Job Title

Social worker





I have a Diploma of Vocational Studies in Multimedia Communications from BKM research & Development and a Diploma in of Vocational Studies in Fashion Design from Notre-Dame de Foy College as well as a pre-grad in Visual Arts from Laval University. For 13 years I was a Production Coordinator for a Children’s clothing company. I was responsible for the quality control and overseeing the production process from a design perspective to the product inspection in our garment factories overseas in China and India. Travelling to India twice a year for almost a decade was the most stressful experiences of my life but also the most rewarding, because I would embrace every moment with my colleagues, the factory management’s staff and workers, the taste, the smells and the overwhelming beauty of southern India.
From 2019 to 2023 I had began free lancing and started my own business to help small businesses grow their own garment collections.
This fast pacing industry, mixed with the overwhelming COVID crisis took a toll on my life. To make matters worse, I started getting Peri menopause symptoms. With my emotional state already being so fragile I lost my Neighbour and friend, my brother in-law, my job, my friend and then my mom and cousin. In my process of grieving, I fell into a deep depression and even had suicidal thoughts.
I had to take care of myself, but ai also thought I needed a new start, and a meaning in life, I needed to work in a job that gave me purpose and motivate me to be better. I wanted to help others, I wanted to let them know it’s okay, that you’re never alone and that each of us can only do what is necessary for ourselves with what we have. It’s important for me to share my experiences with others especially if it can help in any shape or form. Because if we share, what we have accomplished, with others, we will grow stronger, and happier.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


