General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Early Care and Education Trainer and Consultant



Date Started




My name is Pamela Prevost, and I have recently retired from working for over 25 years in the field of Early Childhood Education, where I directed Maine’s Statewide Workforce Professional Development Registry.  Prior to working with Maine’s early care and school age professionals in this capacity, I worked as a preschool teacher and owner, and later in my career with youth in Out-of-School Time which is my passion.

I have a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and Leadership, and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Growth and Development as an Education Specialist.

I am a mother of two grown daughters, and two granddaughters who fill my retirement with joy.   I am also excited that retirement allows me to follow my interests in Art, particularly in watercolor painting, which I often share with my grandchildren.

I look forward to learning more about how I may potentially use my current early childhood and education knowledge and my new learning about Art Therapy to blend my two passions together to help children, youth, teachers, and families.

I look forward to meeting and learning together with you!

Pamela Prevost