General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Pastry Chef



Date Started




Mollie Brown is an accomplished fine artist and Graphic Designer with a more recent background exploring the art of pastry. In New York City, where she lived/worked for eleven years she bagan her career in Graphic Design working for various publishing companies. Some of which include The Children’s Television Workshop, Itsy Bitsy Production Company, Hearst Publishing, DK Publishing, and New York Times Magazine.
Mollie also studied acting for 2 years under Bill Alderson, which spurred her interest in starting her own theater company. Deep River Productions, which she co-created lasted 3 years, and during that time she taught children’s theater to 6-16 year olds, directed many productions and confirmed her love of teaching.
During Covid she taught online art classes to students ranging from 8-80. It was this endeavor that made her appreciate the psychology behind art. For many who might be struggling mentally with issues like PTSD or addiction, art is a way to express feelings.