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I’ve always had a knowing inside without explanation and desire to learn about my body and how I connect to the living world. I grew up in the Midwest and in the Virginia and Tennessee Appalachian mountains with a love and bond to the outdoors hating to wear shoes. I remember my father aways yelling ” put some shoes on your gonna cut your foot open!” I luckily never did. I decided to dive into a career of natural health after years of becoming more ill at the hands of Allopathic medicine practioners and doctors alike. This is failing everyone with its very core foundation of treating symptoms and not causes with poison produced by big Pharma. I want to heal my body and mind then help others with my knowledge. I believe in God and was healed from a devastating virus for which had no cure and low survival . I’ve inherited the gift to facilitate healing in others after my own miracle I received from a person who is a healer and I now can pass it on through the power of God working through me and hope to learn Reiki to tap into my gift. I don’t care if people wont believe me that’s not my concern, it wont stop me from what I believe is my purpose. I hope everyone comes away from these classes with the skills and knowledge to change lives for the better. Thank you for reading my very first biography I hope it conveys my hope and resilience .