General Information

First Name

Dr. Jason

Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



WholeMind – Counselling, naturally!

Date Started




I’m a trained psychologist and internationally certified in trauma. I recently published a book on (self) treating bipolar, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Called, ‘You Don’t Have To Feel That Way’, it proposes a shift from pharmaceutical dependency to a holistic approach in tackling these issues, emphasising natural remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes.

It advocates for empowering individuals through self-discovery and natural healing mechanisms, highlighting the connection between diet, gut health, and mental well-being. It explores how nutrient-rich foods, herbal supplements, and lifestyle adjustments can enhance brain function and emotional resilience, reducing the need for drugs and talk therapy.

The discussion includes the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, adaptogenic herbs, and the importance of stress management, sleep, exercise, and mindfulness in improving mental health.

This journey of renewal and empowerment demonstrates the transformative power of a holistic approach to mental health, offering paths toward reduced medication reliance, emotional balance, and greater fulfilment.

It calls for embracing nature’s wisdom and our own resilience to reclaim control over our mental health and well-being.