General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Home maker and part time art instructor


Self – employed as of July 2024

Date Started




I am 62 years old this year. I’m only able to work occasionally due to health concerns ranging from spinal stenosis, auto-immune arthritis, fibromyalgia and clinical depression to name a few. I was lucky enough to recently find a local art shop that just opened up was looking for talented people to give classes. I’ve taught 1 class on exploring color – how to use a color wheel and 4 more classes on advanced Zentangle inspired art. I have an upcoming class on zendalas too.
I live with my husband of 23 years, although we knew each other for 20 years before we got married. and a boxer-pit rescue that can be described as a velcro dog. She’s a 80 lbs. lap dog.
I spend my days playing in art. I know the power art can have when dealing with chronic pain and when I stumbled across this course thought it would be a good idea. I’m really enjoying the courses. They have so much information. My printer is getting a workout.