Work Experience

Job Title

Owner, Wellness Guide


Whispering Wilds



I currently work in marketing and communications in the medtech and healthcare spaces. My first job (at age 15) was in a metaphysical/new age bookstore, where I was exposed to countless alternative health, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual modalities. This really broadened my worldview and how I view myself and my place in the world. It sparked my interest in all things holistic.

In addition to modern medical treatments, I have incorporated various meditation and journeying techniques, Ayurveda, Reiki, multiple somatic therapies, journaling, breathwork, meditation and visualization, yoga and naturopathy into my health routines. For roughly 30 years I’ve practiced a technique that has now become my own modality based on living systems and natural inspiration, which I call Whispering Wilds. I am creating practical, fun courses and resources for people to improve their wellness and resilience through nature. I’m looking forward to launching my new career as a wellness guide, helping others and helping our wild world.

I have a BA in psychology and have taken continuing courses in mind/body therapies like the Rubenfeld Synergy method, neuroscience for trauma response and neuroart, among others. My next educational steps will be certifications in neuroscience coaching and naturopathy.

For 30+ years, I’ve walked the spiritual path of a Norse/Germanic heathen, an animistic religion. A deep, fulfilling connection with nature is essential to my faith and well-being. I am also a photographer and multidisciplinary artist. My photography focuses on botanical textures (specifically, the textures you find when looking at nature up close – often overlooked, and the “whispers” of the wild). My art tends to be botanical or landscape in nature, and I even make my own pigments from plants, minerals, charcoal from my fire pit, etc.

I am growing a medicinal garden and enjoy foraging, spending time with nature and wildlife (especially my family of crows who adopted me years ago and are my constant companions), and my young son, and helping him see the magic around us all the time.

General Information

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Last Name


