General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



Revive Pukekohe

Date Started




Currently 49 years old, I am married (30 years) with two adult children.

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in my early 20s and have had several operations.  My health has not been the best and recently acknowledged that modern medicine is not actually helping but keeping me sicker.  I have been exploring the carnivore WOE (Way of Eating) and have noticed positive changes.  I am no longer suffering from gut issues, nor do I have brain fog.  I am sleeping better, and have finally started to drop weight.

I had an experience years ago when the Crohn’s had caused havoc and the medicines given where creating other issues and my aunt recommended I see a naturopath, while the treatment took 4 months it was able to correct what was wrong.

So I have decided to explore, firstly for myself, what other naturopathic knowledge can bring health, healing etc to my life.  Once I am in a healthy place I will share my story and hopefully help others.