General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Holistic Wellness Coach (EFT, NLP, Nutrition), ESL teacher, Author




As a world-renowned Holistic Wellness Coach, ESL teacher, and author, Paloma has worked with hundreds of clients from all around the world to explore and reach their potential despite depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and low-self-worth. She is constantly learning something new; one of her fundamental principles being: Learning is Life.

In part, this diversity has contributed to Paloma developing a distinct way of looking at the world, along with the ability to relate to anyone and make complicated things simple. Using her “power of tenacity” for good, she puts her all into finding what will work best for you.

A unique blend of compassionate understanding, creative problem solving, and pragmatic action plans awaits you with Paloma’s one-of-a-kind perspective.

With accredited certifications in a wide variety of techniques and fields, Paloma’s developed a creative approach to self-improvement that is personalized to each client.


☑️ Priority Mind Management Master Coach

☑️ EFT / TFT Master Practitioner

☑️ NLP Master Practitioner

☑️ Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner

☑️ Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coach

☑️ PNL1 Certified Nutrition Coach

☑️ Goal Setting to Success: Life Coach Certification

☑️ Advanced TESOL Certification (Teaching English as a Second Language)