

Working as an Esthetician in the Medical field for the last 5 years, I have heard many stories about patient’s skin health and overall body health. Over the last 2 years I have heard more health related nightmares than anything else ranging from Providers not being attentive to patients feeling like they’ve hit a dead end with multiple medications that are not productive. My goal as an Esthetician is to continue my education to be able to provide the best services possible. Part of that, I have recently realized, is not always relying on a product or prescription medication to do the work that needs to be targeted internally. Although holistic or herbal medicine is new to me and it may not hold all of the answers, I find that using this knowledge is not only beneficial to overall health but also easy to find and use from most households. I look forward to adding this to my practice and helping educate others in hopes of promoting the benefits of healing from the inside out!

General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Licensed Esthetician


Nu MedSpa

Date Started
