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Special Offer: Naturopathy Practitioner Certification Course

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Product Subtotal
Special Offer: Naturopathy Practitioner Certification Course  × 1 $112.00
Subtotal $112.00
GST $5.60
QST $11.17
Total $128.77
EN Naturopatthy PROT 8
One Time Offer

Our Naturopathy course provides you with all the tools you need to excel. But wouldn't it be nice to have a tangible reminder of your accomplishment? We offer a great deal to you. Once you finish the course, you can get your certificate, printed on high-quality paper, and shipped to you for just $25. That's a good deal considering its regular price is $33


  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe.

Your personal information will be used to process your order, support your experience on this website, and for other purposes as described in our privacy policy.

Our courses include a 30-day guarantee. During this 30-day period, you can change your mind and request a refund for your registration, with no explanation required.

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Questions? email us at [email protected]

This is not only been informative but enjoyable to have this as a great base of knowledge but also a starting point to continue to keep learning. I hope you provide even more in depth courses in the future. Thank you.


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Wellness Coach
I've always been a seeker of personal development and natural approaches to health. Your Naturopathy Practitioner Certification Course has exceeded my expectations in every way. The course content is both comprehensive and enlightening. The community of fellow learners has been a source of support and encouragement. I'm excited to embark on a new career path in holistic health, thanks to this course.


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Registered Nurse

Naturopathy Practitioner Certification Training Course

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Get certified in Naturopathy and enjoy a 75%+ discount: receive the entire course for a single payment of $112, originally valued at $595.

Upon signing up, you’ll gain instant access to the course and the exclusive forum on your mobile, tablet, or computer.

By Joining Our Community Today, You Also Get Access To Our Complete Holistic Practitioner Resource & Toolkit

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FREE BONUS: Holistic Practitioner Resource & Toolkit

Enjoy your complimentary Holistic Practitioner Resource & Toolkit! As a valued student, we’re excited to provide you with this exclusive set of tools and resources to support your holistic health practice.

Value = $499.00

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