Introduction to Learn How To Learn

Introduction to Learn How To Learn is a transformative 16-page ebook that delves into the art and science of effective learning. This comprehensive guide explores the limitations of traditional learning systems and empowers readers with practical methods to become super learners. Through a series of thought-provoking sections, readers will discover how to overcome limiting mindsets, become rebels in learning, and determine what they truly need to know.

The ebook also provides valuable insights into the learning hierarchy, from data to wisdom, and introduces the Pareto Principle and the importance of values in the learning process. Furthermore, readers will learn how to permanently memorize information and transform their brains into fail-safe hard drives using techniques such as repeating information aloud, taking notes, creating mind maps, and utilizing visual and auditory memory.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a lifelong learner, Introduction to Learn How To Learn is an indispensable resource that will equip you with the tools and strategies to unlock your full learning potential and achieve your goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

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Course Includes

  • 1 Module

Ratings and Reviews

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10 Ratings
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Avatar of TJ TJ
Posted 1 month ago
Great consolidation of info

This is a great quick read to prep you as you embark on your journey into the course(s) you’ve purchased. Eases you into a productive state of mind.

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Avatar of Paula Regina Paula Regina
Posted 1 month ago
Nice Introduction

It is always great to learn

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Avatar of Elizabeth Elizabeth
Posted 5 months ago
Basic and easy to follow

Good tips for learning and retaining information.

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Avatar of Corina Corina
Posted 6 months ago
There is always something to learn

It's a short instructions to help you navigate through your process of learning, not in depth tools of how to make it easier to learn. Although is free and there is always something we can learn and that is worth the 5 stars.

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Avatar of Kyra Kyra
Posted 6 months ago
Learning to Learn

Loved this little intro to learning to get me back on track! This was a great refresher course to help me relearn how to take notes and get back into a learning mindset. Highly recommend this to anyone that needs a little brain boost.

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Avatar of Kristina Kristina
Posted 7 months ago
Retention & Recall

Good refresher before you start a course.

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Posted 12 months ago
I'm no expert.

I lack the knowledge to give an honest rating on this subject . I gave it a four because i assume there is some truth too what you have written. I will test out what i have read here as i go through the course and will be in a better position to answer the question at that time.

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Avatar of Andrea Andrea
Posted 1 year ago
The introduction - IS the e-book

I thought the e-book would be an actual book - you know, with chapters - teaching me how to use the tools explained in the introduction. Though I did gain some knowledge - I was looking forward to learning much more.

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Posted 1 year ago

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback on our introductory e-book. We genuinely appreciate your input, as it enables us to understand our learners’ needs more accurately.

We understand that you were anticipating a more comprehensive guide with distinct chapters. This e-book was designed as an introductory resource, focusing on explaining the essential tools to kick-start your learning journey.

That being said, your feedback has indeed signaled to us the demand for more detailed courses. It is invaluable insights like yours that aid us in shaping future courses to be more aligned with learner expectations.

We hope that you will stay with us on this educational journey, and we promise that your future experiences with our courses will prove to be more enriching.

Thank you once again for your constructive feedback.

Avatar of Petra Stampfer Petra Stampfer
Posted 1 year ago
Useful Tips


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Avatar of Luv Luv
Posted 1 year ago
I enjoyed this course

It was very informative

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