Work Experience

Job Title

Human Service Worker


The Heb Foundation

Date Started




I am  67 years old and I have 6 children 3 girls and 3 boys  and a husband. We start this foundation The Heb Foundation due to that my son was killed Oct. 18, 2018, I look around at all the violence that is going on I want to help the people to heal. I found out the people forgot about the children’s pain. this is why I started Camp Healing where the children can release their pain by Art Therapy. To see them smile, which they had lost due the pain of trauma come back to them though Art therapy was amazing.

Now I have always work with people because I drive a Charter bus all around the world. I enjoy seeing the different back grounds of people. I did this for more than 20 years.

I love to travel as well. I love people but sometimes that can be overwhelming that’s why I love to come home to my peace and quiet to regroup to start all over again.  I also love flowers bring them home from my trips.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


