General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Self Employeed


Catalyst Care

Date Started




ATTA Catalyst Care

Mission is to educate on activating health and well being

Vision individuals and families living vibrant lives on purpose.

Mary Akehurst is wife, mother, administrator and connector. In 2001, she was significantly impacted by her uncle’s death as a result of addiction. She worked at a recovery center from 2003-2015, until her family was called into full-time missions. Mary has a passion to lead people to the Lord and disciple women in their Identity in Christ. In the spring of 2022, she was introduced to Nutrigenomics.  Activation changed her and many lives around her. She and her team get to the root cause, and bring together spirit, mind and body as they educate on activating health and well-being. For those in addiction, less cravings, more freedom. For those with emotional, mental, and chronic health issues, it means hope! Mary and family live in MN.