Work Experience

Job Title

Healing Energy Practitioner


Luminous Healing Energy

Date Started




I am from a small town in south eastern Ohio. Actually, I live 5 miles outside of that small town. I am working on the Naturopathic Practitioner course. I had an experience with going to a natrualpath and we have remained good friends since she retired and moved to another state.

I started my own energy healing business this year but I am still working out logistics for it. I am trying to build a website and start a YouTube channel.

I started learning energy work in 2018. I ended up developing my own kind of energy work. It’s different from reiki. But my style of energy work is very hands on so I’m not sure how to transition it to the internet. But I’m working on it.  But I help people in chronic pain feel better and be in less pain. I also deal with energy blocks.

I am also working on a life coaching certificate and I’m going to start working on a spiritual coaching certificate as well.

Right before Christmas in 2022 I had to have emergency abdominal surgery. I spent 8 days in the hospital. So that has really reset my perspective on some things.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


