General Information

First Name






Happy mom of 8 and grandma of 5. Born in Greece a very long time ago. I live in Caesarea, Ontario. I’m always looking to learn new things and acquire new skills. I’ve retired from a great job working with children with autism but plan to continue on with other opportunities. I am a lot like my grandmother who was once an herbalist and a midwife. She used to get paid in chickens, eggs and veggies because everyone in her neighbourhood was broke, including my grandma. So, I learned a lot from that great lady and I’ve been growing my own healing herbs and other plants since I was a little kid some 60 years ago. I am a reiki master/teacher & registered and in good standing with the Canadian Reiki Association. I’m also an amateur photographer and astronomer. I love looking at the sky through my high power telescope and when I’m really inspired I take lots of photos of the moon. Looking for fun things to occupy my time with is what I’m all about. Namaste.