General Information

First Name

Victoria P

Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Special Education Teacher


Department of Special Education

Date Started




My name is  Victory  I am a mother who raise  five children and enjoy art. Art became part of our lives without it, I would not know where I will be today.I have a AA. in Business Management, BA. in psychology from John Jay college of Criminal Justice and a minor in Art.  My experience I have received extensive training as a coordinator for student with special needs at John Jay College. In addition working as a Crisis Management Educator and doing my master at Hunter College in Special Education. My employment with John Jay College and the Department of education has give me the opportunity to work with students exhibiting various educational needs as will as personal advise.  Working with students who have different learning abilities aloud me to utilize my creative skills that implement will received lessons in the classroom environments which meet the emotional, behavior  intellectual social and creative needs of the student. Work for the department of education I use art through academics I saw students emotional behaviors change and academics get better.  I also learned a lot about myself, one how to handle my emotions, patient ,tolerance etc with people.