Biography |
I grew up on an island. An ideal childhood among two siblings and lots of cousins. Laughter, singing, and Christian faith could salve any tribulation. My parents were courageous and progressive. Education, research, and exploration were important to them. I taught high school and studied Mass Media with a focus on journalism. In my early twenties, I arrived in America. I continued my studies, in Psychology as an undergrad and Theology and counseling for my Masters Degree. My working life, studies, and family life, proved extremely stressful. I found solace in reading, journaling, and crafting. I noticed that my private life was enriched and calmed by my enjoyable pastime. I then began to research why this was the case and discovered a therapy called Art Therapy. I have been curious and enthralled ever since. This program has thus far proven to be a wonderful and comprehensive continuation of my research.