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Stephanie Bucklin Consulting LLC

Date Started




As a Holistic Healing Arts Practitioner, Stephanie uses the healing tools of energy work, psychic mediumship and guided movement to help you heal your bodymind and spirit.

Stephanie teaches about optimal wellness in the East Valley, Arizona. She is available for in-person or online healing sessions. Stephanie relocated to Arizona in 2019 and has been working towards her dream business ever since. What makes Stephanie unique is that she is an inquisitive self-taught student of Philosophy (Human Thought), Nutritional Science & Kinesiology (Human Advancements) who will never stop learning. As a result, she has a deep understanding about the human condition. Stephanie graduated from Ventura College with honors in 2014, acquiring two associate’s degrees in Holistic Health Studies & Natural Science with a minor in Kinesiology. She completed training as a 200 hour Yoga Teacher in 2014, and received certification in Reiki III Energy Healing in 2016. Her continuing education has been in plant-based nutrition, yoga philosophy and higher consciousness. Stephanie is currently pursuing a Nutritional Science undergrad program at Arizona State University, working towards her first bachelor’s degree with a minor in Healthy Lifestyle Coaching, and a certificate in Exercise Science, which will be complete in late 2025.

Her long term education goals include a master’s degree in Nutritional Science, and professional certifications in Lifestyle Medicine and Fitness Coaching. She began offering lifestyle coaching services after completing the research for her book, The Art of Balance (in a World of Chaos). After more than a decade of inquiry into the secret art of whole-person healing, she felt the need to share her knowledge with the world. She created her Holistic Lifestyle Coaching, Optimal Wellness Program, and Toxin-Free Living Workshops based on her research and the teachings in Holistic Health at Ventura College and in Healthy Lifestyle Coaching at Arizona State University. Since 2011, Stephanie has coached hundreds of individuals and inspired thousands of people with her motivational speaking & event creations.

Stephanie is highly intuitive. She is a clairvoyant and psychic medium. She offers Intuitive Readings and Reiki Energy Sessions, as well as Spiritual Coaching. Stephanie calls herself a “Love Warrior” – the deepest message she shares with her clients is her primary purpose in life:

Self-love is the key to transformation in our healing journey.”

”Love is one of the highest vibrations on our planet and it creates peace and healing in the body-mind. Love creates the perfect energetic environment for self-healing, and helps us open pathways to new awareness and a deeper bodymind connection. Stephanie is blissfully guided to heal humanity, through sharing proven techniques to access this love vibration. Her smile is contagious. Stephanie will guide you to create the circumstances in your own life to transform. She is a Catalyst for Change.