General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Retired Police Officer


Travel Journey Experience

Date Started




Hello, my name is MiTo! I am an artist who specializes in abstract painting, but I also have a passion for various other art forms such as clothing design, decorating, dancing, singing, nature photography, interior and exterior decorating, and cooking.

During my time as a police officer, I often counseled inmates, and one effective method I found for calming those with disruptive behavior was giving them coloring sheets and crayons. Witnessing the transformation in their demeanor when they proudly showed me their completed coloring pages was truly remarkable.

Art has always been a therapeutic outlet for me, and a form of meditation allowing me to release and overcome obstacles in my life. I am thrilled to have discovered this course as it gives me the opportunity once again to use art to assist and support others.

I was determined to pursue something that not only brings me joy but also enables me to make a positive impact on those around me.