General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Lead Mixologist


Westmoreland Country Club

Date Started




Hello everyone!👋 y name is Misty Baker. I am from a small town in Pennsylvania just east of Pittsburgh. I am so excited to start this journey to wellness. I honestly believe that our bodies have everything it takes to heal themselves given the proper knowledge and environment. I grew up with some health issues. I have Graves disease which is an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland. So it causes me a lot of illness. On top of complex regional pain syndrome. It went into remission when I was 18 years old after I had my first child. Now at age 32 it both conditions have came back and way worse then when I was young. The medical community is trying to push these medications on me that I know are not good for our bodies. I am here to get the knowledge I need to help save myself and others a lifetime of issues. I was always called by God to be a healer. I felt it in my soul. So here I am on my journey just like many of you are. Let’s make this world a better place.