General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Caricature Artist



Date Started




I am a 21 year old woman from the midwest, Iowa. Since I was little able to hold utensils I was coloring and drawing, through this I gained a love for art very young. Art being a rather difficult business to get into, my father often discouraged me from pursuing art as a career rather than a hobby. During and after high school I took up many Administrative jobs as office manager of an Acupuncture office, filing health insurance and after that working as an Auto body Estimator/administrator for my dad’s shop. Although I was good at this and both made good money, I could always feel my heart in another place. I stopped working for my dad to pursue my art dreams starting off selling digital oil paintings of pet portraits and working as a part-time live artist doing caricatures at my local amusement park seasonally. I love it! I can feel myself aligning with my heart once again! With my LLC made and my longtime boyfriend in college I feel inspired to pursue getting more education to back up my dreams for an art career.
I hope everyone can find the bravery it is to follow their heart!