Work Experience

Job Title

Dental Assistant/Receptionist Owner/Sole Proprietor of Buttercup Art


Buttercup Art

Date Started




I have been an artist since I could hold a pencil. I love painting, drawing, pottery and pretty much any kind of art I can get my hands on. I believe it can really benefit your mental health. As a child I had a rare autoimmune disease call JDMS. It caused me to be bed ridden and I was unable to do normal kid things like ride a bike, run around with my friends, and it even kept me from going to school. I spend a majority of my time from the age of 6 till about 13 in and out of Children’s hospital. The one thing I could do was art. I remember the hospital would offer classes you could attend at the day hospital. You could paint and create while you were getting infusions. I remember it making me feel happiness. I felt happiness in a “not so happy” place. I want to pass on the feeling. This year I became an advocate for suicide prevention. I’m using my platform to raise awareness of the problem and have promised to donate portions of my income to the cause. I really want to help people. Art lets your mind relax and go to a place that isn’t so heavy. I want to teach that release. I started a small business last year, teaching at paint parties. I’ve also been a face painter for 20 years. All i know, is the joy that I see on peoples faces when I bring art into their lives is so rewarding. I hope this course enhances my abilities to help people through art. So maybe one day I can help a little girl who is feeling sad and scared at Children’s Hospital.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


