Work Experience

Job Title

Holistic practitioner


Intergrated Wellness Center

Date Started




My experience of course begins with my own journey to not only wellness but wholeness. From a small kid, I was always interested in people and family- they way they react and relate to each other. I wanted to be a nurse since I could remember always facinated with the medical world and the human body. I graduate high school and went immediately to nursing school at Southern College. Life began to progress, I had to leave school due to finances and starting my own family. I  enrolled in nursing assistant course offered by Nashville Community and after becoming certified, began my nursing career. After 6 years, experience began to teach me- the medical practice industry focus is more of treating disease and illness with medication. After committing my life to Christ, I discovered the real method to healing -is to become “every whit whole” according to the Bible.  Medicine can temporarily displace pain – but only true healing can make you whole. I began to study this method of healing, and over the course of 20 years I’ve accomplished becoming a family herbalist (School of Natural Healing) and holistic practitioner. By the good Lord’s blessing, many people have been not just healed but restored to a full life and health.

If you are looking for more than just to take pills for the rest of your life, come and see me for a consultation today. Let me show you how to be made completely whole!



General Information

First Name


Last Name


