Biography |
Much of my journey has been about Motherhood, from how I got there to how I am now living it out in real time x3. The path to alignment back to ourselves is largely in part on how we treat and honour our temple. I have known this for a while and have been slacking at putting into practise and enforcing it into my children to carryout in their lives to their full capacity.
I’ve formed unhealthy habits, smoking, engaging in toxic relationships, overconsumption etc. all to avoid my true essence on a soul level. Regaining my path to personal alignment is linked to the healing power of nature, in all its capacity. How do we find balance within this technological age, while harnessing and protecting the healing nature of our earth? I believe we are in the process of figuring that out and slowly, but surely we will all get there. 1 small gesture, smile, uplifting word at a time. God knows and we will get there.
I am hoping to reemerge myself in this holy knowledge of natures medicine to help others discover the power they innately have when connecting to God’s healing knowledge found inside Mother Earth. We are all in a process of reconnecting to her with the knowledge and healing she shares. I know I’m here to help with that learning and rebalancing of things. Start Micro, then the Macro will reveal itself.