General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



London Foster Realty

Date Started




Lyubov Rosenbach was born in Kiev, Ukraine and she was showing a lot of musical talent since early age.  Lyubov attended musical school in Kiev, specializing in piano and vocal for 7 years, after which she successfully finished Kiev’s Pedagogical College.

Lyubov’s parents are Holocaust Survivors.  Both parents were 4 years old, when the Nazi occupied a little city, where they lived.  By miracle, they both survived, but not without lifelong emotional trauma, which affected Lyubov’s life as well. Lyubov was growing up in the Socialistic Society, and right before the collapse of the former Soviet Union, she and her parents were able to get a status “refugee” in United States embassy.  Lyubov immigrated to the United States in 1991.  She has been living and working in Miami ever since.

Lyubov worked at different places, including Florida International University.  Also, she has Real Estate License and loves to paint.

Lyubov is a piano teacher and the performer at the Senior Living Facility “Sea Side Assisted Living” in Hallandale.

She is married and has two sons, 28 and 10 years old.

Lyubov loves to perform, improvise and compose beautiful melodies.

She is very passionate piano performer.

Lyubov loves to share her collection of beautiful music with interested audience.

Her repertoire includes a lot of beautiful pieces from the famous classical composers, as well as Beatles, Abba, Michele La Grand, Frank Sinatra,  music from the “Fiddler on the Roof”, “West Side Story”, “La La Land”, “Secret Garden” , Russian songs,  Jewish Songs, old famous songs, children’s songs and Disney movies songs.