Help required Please …..lost answers..scholastics Course

  • Help required Please …..lost answers..scholastics Course

    Posted by Angie on 15 September 2024 at 5h40

    Help! I’ve just completed most of the self reflection questions at the beginning of the Course and now unable to locate them, including the completed quiz !!

    luigim replied 2 days, 8 hours ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Avatar of Kelly


    15 September 2024 at 12h40

    I had the same issue at the beginning when started. I reached out to them and it helps to refresh the page once you’ve submitted it. Once you’ve refreshed it, go to My Historical Notes just below the text box where you typed them and click the down arrow. They should be there at that point. I hope this helps 🙂

    • Avatar of luigim


      16 September 2024 at 13h08

      Hi Kelly,

      I hope you’re doing well.

      That is correct. That’s the right way to find your notes after saving them. Thank you for assisting others with this inquiry! 🙂

      Thank you for choosing Scholistico!

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