

Hello, my name is Tracey. I’m here for self help, healing and mental grounding.  I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia with no direction to follow other than medication that I do not want to take. I am not 100% that I have this, I have researched quite a bit and believe that there is a root cause and a natural solution for healing.
I have had COVID 3 times, Epstein Barr sometime in my past and feel Fibro was a quick diagnosis because the doctor could not find any other reason for my pain, inflammation and fatigue. All blood work comes back within normal range. I have had an extremely stressful past 5 years at work, which I feel may also be a contributing factor to my decline in health. (adrenal fatigue? PTSD? Constant fight or flight?).

I signed up for these courses with two main goals!
1) to find relief for my pain, naturally by getting to the root cause then finding my path to healing.
2) Retire at 62 (1.5 years from now, God willing) then become a coach. I want to take this time to learn as much as possible so then I can help others to find natural ways to self heal and then thrive!

I have been very interested in naturopathic healing, remedies, essential oils, nature and grounding, with no clear path on how to learn more until I found these courses on Facebook.
I am hoping to find like minded people that have similar goals and aspirations to share this journey to better health with!

I am excited to get started!


General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

General Manager


Transportation for People with Disabilities

Date Started
