General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Doctor of Naprapathy


SyRoc Lifestyle

Date Started




Daniel Rocha has been a fitness coach for over 25 years. He is incredibly dedicated to making the lives of others better. What makes him different and a stand out from the rest, is Daniel’s genuine love and pure dedication for people. He puts 110 % into helping you succeed and accomplish your goals. Daniel offers a variety of services. With his nutrition background from the University of Texas at El Paso, and the University of New Mexico along with certifications from IFPA and Shaw Academy, Daniel makes it easy, and works with you and YOUR personal goals to come up with the best plan of attack. Bodybuilding lead him to a life of bodywork with dynamic stretching, obtaining certifications in ART, sports massage, reiki, reflexology, foam rolling, guasha and sports rehabilitation, Daniel is Graduate of Southwest University of Naprapathic Medicine, and a Graduate of Crystal Mountain Institute for Massage Therapy, further advancing his knowledge of the human body and what keeps it healthy. Thoughts become things, and a healthy body is a strong body, email Daniel today for a consult!