General Information
First Name | Taresa |
Last Name | Burleigh |
Username | Tess |
Work Experience
Job Title | Administrative Assistant for Grain Office |
Company | CHS Inc. |
Date Started | 27/07/2020 |
Biography | I am an artist and thriving survivor of C-PTSD from years of childhood abuse. My journey as an artist started very young as I went to art school with my mother before I ever started kindergarten. My mother did me the favor of taking me to art classes, lectures and museums as we spent time away from my family’s ranch learning about art through the ages, cultures, religions, war, feasts, famines and epidemics. Through following the road less traveled on a quest to know my inner workings to help alleviate pain and suffering in my life I found along the way that I had some interesting and unique gifts. Healing touch, strong intuition, premonitions, astral travel, and projection, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance and clairsentience to name a few. In the year 2020 I had some very surreal experiences that ultimately lead me to the awareness of how Jesus has been a lifelong friend to my inner child thus helping me navigate through this world protected by his love as I listened to my intuition or rather my inner compass. He gifted me with dreams of healing, purpose. and strong visions of future events. He brought me awareness to the traumas of my youth in a very compassionate way so I could thrive through the flashbacks. It has come to my attention that my artwork stems from the visions Jesus gave me of my future and mankind’s. His message was grand as he explained how we are all creators and thus all responsible for humanity’s growth. There is a yin and yang to this world, which energy are you going to feed into? Will you feed the white pup or the black? Nobody is a victim here; we are all capable of healing and kindness. I work to continue my art education as it’s the easiest way to express my healing and love for life. I hope to offer children tools for coping so they can increase the quality of their experiences through life. It is my goal to offer mankind a new vision of tomorrow through the gifts that Jesus gave me. Love is the true magic of Life! |