Work Experience

Job Title

WHOLEistic Health Practitioner


Alpha Omega Remedies Of Grace

Date Started




Crystal has worked in the western medicine world for over two decades with the majority of that as a Licensed Practical Nurse. It wasn’t until becoming a hospice nurse that Crystal found her love for a more natural way of healing and listening to the body. After several years as a hospice nurse, the events of 2020 changed her view of western medicine even more and so began her journey of WHOLEistic health and realizing the importance of healing at the levels of body, mind, and spirit.

At the start of her WHOLEistic health journey in 2021, Crystal started college to earn her Doctorate degree as an Herbalist and decided to also in 2022 to become a Certified Birthing and End of Life Doula. After earning enough credits for her first Herbalism certification, she realized that we needed more practitioners in our area that could specialize on more of a functional medicine level and then changed majors to be a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (D.N.M.) knowing that the majority of credits could be transferred before getting to deep into the Doctorate of Herbalism. Since 2022, Crystal then began adding things like aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, a modality called Aleph-Tav Body System, and Bioenergetic Scans.

Alpha Omega Remedies of Grace is a WHOLEistic clinic that focuses on all ages and aspects of life and health. Crystal will manage clients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit.

Treatments available in the clinic are aromatherapy, light touch manual therapy, blue light therapy, sound therapy, vibrational therapy, magnetic therapy, tilt table, lymphatic drainage (target areas), bioenergetic scanning, and workshops.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


