General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Nutritional Healing Doctor


DNA Wellness

Date Started




Out of a deep passion for helping others achieve optimal health and vitality, I decided to devote my life to guiding individuals on their journey to healing through the transformative power of nutrition.

With over two decades of experience as a cancer research scientist, I’ve witnessed the life-changing effects of customized programs firsthand. Alongside my expertise in nutrition, I’ve delved into various avenues, from podcasting to professional bodybuilding, all with the aim of empowering individuals to take control of their health.

My journey began with a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology of Cancer from Dartmouth College, leading to groundbreaking research published in prestigious scientific journals. Inspired by the profound impact of nutrition on health outcomes, I founded my personalized health consulting enterprise in 2010. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of guiding a diverse clientele, including Olympic athletes, physicians, parents, and individuals seeking lifestyle changes.

Through my guidance, clients have achieved remarkable transformations, shedding excess weight, overcoming chronic pain, and reclaiming vibrant lives. Beyond my professional endeavors, you might find me cycling along Vermont’s picturesque roads, enjoying the beauty of nature alongside my partner, Eric, and our beloved cats, Bowie & Billy.