General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Caregiver (Aide)


I work independently – providing private services

Date Started




My name is Lisa Murray and I’m a Caregiver (Aide). I work independently providing private services. Helping people puts a smile on my face.

My passion has always been to help people naturally in holistic health-giving people healthy alternatives rather than Western medicine that don’t fix the problem. My great grandmother’s passing from thyroid cancer motivated me to learn more about helping people naturally without the horrible side effects from medications. She suffered from cancer of the thyroid, (Hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s disease). Back then to current date doctors don’t fully treat Hashimoto’s and the horrible symptoms.

My goal is to educate myself and provide relief to people who suffer autoimmune thyroid issues with Hashimoto’s disease.

My profile cover is a butterfly which has many meanings…. new beginnings with education, knowledge and a natural holistic approach to advance healing.