General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



Stacy's Jamz

Date Started




Grand Awakening to any and all who choose to read this.  As you can see, my name is Stacy, I, just as we all do, have quite a story.

I grew up in Arizona, have lived here my whole life, never had to courage to explore.  Worked in the restaurant industry as a employee, moved up to a shift lead, then assistant, ended my career as a General Manager, un until I had had enough of the food industry, and joined the trucking industry.  I was then diagnosed with MS, took me 13 years to find myself, I am now 16 years diagnosed and chasing my dream, the dream of becoming a Naturopath, I have always recognized the use of the earth to heal, but when I was right in the middle of a terrible flair, I had forgotten, and I let others influence how I was going to be treated, Pharmaceuticals were the easiest and the least expensive way of attacking the monster that dwelled within this body of mine, In my humble opinion, its all by design.

Now I am almost completely off all medications, and have been controlling the MS with diet and herbs.

Looking forward to learning all I can from Scholistico to better understand all that Naturopathy has to offer me, and all those I love!  I am looking forward to being able to help others heal, not just cover up symptoms