Work Experience

Job Title

Business Management, Phlebotomist, RN, PR, Texas Real Estate Agent, Herbalist


Visionrocks, and Texas Tower's

Date Started




I was born in Delaware Ohio, As my parents was passing by on their way to Huntington WV, April 1968 during the riots. The world had lost a great man, Martin Luther King. By the time I was in the 9th grade. I had already lived in 7 states and 12 school. This made life hard, I was withdrawn. But I always felt some type of calling on my life to help to heal.

People have always been drawn too me.

I study Public Relation,

When I became pregnant with my daughter, I switched to nursing. then Phlebotomy,

I then in 1998 stepped away from the medical field to returned back to PR for a Nascar team.

I enjoyed the people part of my job so much more, But I had to give that career up so that I could be home with my daughter more.

Nascar had made a rule no kids in he pit area. During the summer racing season, My daughter had traveled to all the events with me. That was no more an option.

So I went back into business’ management. Where I was regional manager of a change of gambling parlors across WV,

Then fibromyalgia happen, They say it stems from the stress I had been under my whole life.

I never liked the meds they wanted to put me on.

At this time I had moved back to Texas. Where I started Real Estate, I enjoyed all the people I meet,

But the calling or curiosity of to learn about  herbalist was always there.

So I studied on my own during free time. I also remember so many healing remedies from my Grandmother.

So I started my own herb garden. I enjoyed it so much. I knew God gave us healing power with all the wonderful plants and roots.

Then I came across Barbara O’Neil and what a God sent she was. She connects scriptures to healing.

I knew then I was meant to be a Holistic Health Practitioner and Naturopathy Practitioner.

I am so excited about this journey I am now on.

All by the grace of God I pray.

General Information

First Name


Last Name


