General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title



Self employed

Date Started




I’ve been a nurse for over thirty years. I began my journey as a patient care assistant, BLS and ACLS instructor. In the early 90’s I became a licensed RN and floated between PCU and CCU. I’ve always been interested in cardiovascular health. I have had a wide range of experiences throughout my nursing journey as I floated through labor & delivery, psychiatric care, home health, and the emergency room, including trauma transportation for a time. I currently work in the legal profession as a consultant for attorneys doing medical reviews.

About 20 years ago, I suffered from severe Lyme’s disease and co-infections with multiple complications. This was a turning point in my life and I sought for help and healing through nutrition and homeopathic medicine. Having become weak and unable to function in basic daily activities from all the antibiotics and conventional treatments, I sought out naturopathic and homeopathic practitioners to learn how to better care for myself. I’ve traveled far and experienced a number of different treatments including magnetic therapy, laser therapy, infrared light therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture treatments. Some help me more than others, but nutrition is a vital component on a daily basis no matter what other treatments one chooses to incorporate.

I’ve experienced an amazing recovery and give all glory to God for my journey overall. I’ve learned so much and want to support and teach others to take responsibility for their own health and do what is necessary to recover from their illness and go forward with a new vision and mission in life!