
Holistic Health Practitioner Certification

Dive into an exploration of health and wellness, blending conventional medicine with holistic therapies, and acquire practical skills for an enriching career in wellness.

Original price was: AU$1,206.00.Current price is: AU$133.00.

Holistic Health Practitioner Certification


Original price was: AU$1,206.00.Current price is: AU$133.00.

Dive into an exploration of health and wellness, blending conventional medicine with holistic therapies, and acquire practical skills for an enriching career in wellness.

Over 663+ Enrolled Students

Start Your Online Holistic Health Practitioner Training Course


Transform Lives & Ignite Your Passion with Scholistico's Comprehensive Holistic Health Practitioner Certification Training Course

Envision a world where you can help others overcome their physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, empowering them on their journey toward optimal health. A world where your success is fueled by your passion for holistic wellness and your ability to make a profound impact in the lives of those you serve. That world exists, and it’s within your reach! By embarking on the life-changing journey with Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course, you’ll not only enhance your own well-being but also unlock the potential to transform countless lives through your expertise.

Imagine the possibilities as you step into a fulfilling career tailored to fit your values and passions while serving as an advocate for integrative approaches to health and wellness. Drawing from diverse traditions rooted in mind-body-spirit healing, our comprehensive training program equips you to become a beacon of guidance for those seeking transformative, holistic care. Seize this opportunity now to follow your calling and revolutionize both your life and the lives of those you touch with Scholistico’s exceptional online certification course.

Break Free from the Constraints of Conventional Health Practices: Discover the Transformative Power of Holistic Healing and its Growing Demand

In today’s fast-paced, high-pressure society, increasingly more individuals are facing health challenges stemming from stress, poor nutrition, and sedentary lifestyles. Conventional medical approaches often focus on treating the symptoms without addressing the root causes of health issues. Furthermore, there is a critical need for practitioners who can offer a comprehensive and integrative approach to health and well-being, targeting not only physical symptoms but also emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of wellness.

As a result, people are actively seeking holistic health practitioners who can guide them on their journey towards finding balance, harmony, and optimal well-being. However, many aspiring health professionals find themselves lacking the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to build a successful career in this rapidly-growing field. Additionally, many training programs do not adequately address the integration of mind, body, and spirit, leaving students unprepared to fully serve their clients’ holistic healing needs.

Empower Yourself and Others: Transform Lives through Holistic Health & Personal Growth

As a prospective holistic health practitioner, you may have a deep, personal connection to the struggles that individuals face in their quest for optimal health and well-being. Perhaps you’ve experienced firsthand the limitations of conventional medicine or felt the frustration of not having access to holistic health resources. Picturing yourself in a fulfilling career where you can help others overcome their hurdles, make profound breakthroughs, and ultimately, live their best lives can be both inspiring and motivating.

Moreover, you may also recognize the desire for personal growth, a deeper connection with yourself and others, and a life fueled by passion and purpose, surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Our Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course aims to address not only your professional aspirations but also these emotional hot buttons, fostering your own holistic development alongside your evolving career.

From Disappointment to Empowerment: Discover Our Journey to Creating the Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course

At Scholistico, we’ve been in your shoes, and we fully understand the obstacles that aspiring holistic health practitioners face. Like you, we’ve felt the calling to make a difference in people’s lives, driven by our passion for holistic health and healing. But, in the beginning, we struggled to find a comprehensive, accessible, and credible training program to help us achieve our dreams.

Our journey began with a burning desire to provide a higher standard of health care, one that acknowledged the connections between mind, body, and spirit. However, we were frustrated and disheartened by the limitations of conventional medical training, which often focused solely on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of illness and imbalances.

We embarked on a quest to find the perfect holistic health training, but time and time again, we found ourselves disappointed. Many programs seemed to lack the depth and scope necessary to prepare us to meet our clients’ unique and complex needs. We began to lose hope, questioning whether our dream of helping others through holistic health practices would ever become a reality.

Discovering Our Path: The Breakthrough that Led Us to Create a Revolutionary Online Holistic Health Training Program

Just as we were on the verge of giving up, we made a groundbreaking discovery: the true secret to success in holistic health lay not in finding the perfect training program but in creating one that combined the best elements of diverse healing traditions, taught by experienced professionals working in their respective fields. It was then that we had an epiphany – we could transform our frustration into a powerful force for good by developing the comprehensive, integrative training program that we ourselves had been searching for.

With this vision in mind, we assembled a team of skilled and passionate holistic health practitioners and educators who shared our commitment to excellence and innovation. Together, we crafted a unique and powerful online certification training course that offers the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to launch a successful career as a holistic health practitioner.

Now, with Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course at your fingertips, you too can experience this breakthrough and transform your life by unlocking your potential as a qualified practitioner in this exciting and rapidly-growing field.


Introducing The Holistic Health Practitioner Certification Course

Once we discovered the secret to success in holistic health, we embarked on an ambitious mission to transform this revelation into a cohesive, systematic training program – one that went above and beyond simply offering knowledge and skills. Scholistico’s comprehensive method combines the best of various healing traditions, innovative techniques, and individualized support to create the ultimate holistic health practitioner training experience.

After countless hours of collaboration and meticulous planning, our team finally developed Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course – a cutting-edge, accessible program that incorporates multiple dimensions of holistic healing. Our unique system focuses on nurturing both personal and professional development, preparing students not just to serve their clients but also to enrich their own lives through deepened self-awareness and self-care.

Now, thanks to Scholistico’s comprehensive system, aspiring practitioners like you have the opportunity to access world-class holistic health training without compromising on quality or convenience. By choosing our program, you’re investing in your future as a skilled and confident holistic health practitioner fully equipped to make a lasting impact in this exciting field.

Join the Ranks of Successful Graduates - Transform Lives & Accelerate Your Career with Our Holistic Health Practitioner Training

With Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course, countless aspiring practitioners have turned their dreams into reality. Our students consistently report remarkable results, both in terms of their own personal growth and in the success they’ve achieved as certified holistic health practitioners.

Our graduates have used the powerful, comprehensive system offered by Scholistico to build thriving practices while helping countless clients overcome various health challenges and enhance their overall well-being. These students have become true ambassadors for holistic health, making a significant difference in the lives of those they serve and contributing to a global revolution in health care.

By joining our community of successful alumni, you too can experience the transformative benefits of Scholistico’s unparalleled online training program. Your journey begins here – don’t miss this opportunity to transform your passion for holistic health into a fulfilling and lucrative career.


Your Path to Success Starts Here - Embrace Your Potential with The Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course

At Scholistico, our mission is to empower aspiring holistic health practitioners like you to reach your full potential and create a lasting impact on the lives of others. We have witnessed the success of numerous graduates who have completed our comprehensive online certification training course, and now it’s your turn to experience the benefits of this transformative program for yourself.

Our team of experts is passionately committed to ensuring that every student receives the guidance, support, and tools necessary for success. With Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course, you can build a thriving practice in the rapidly growing field of holistic health while having a profound effect on the well-being of your clients.

Don’t let this opportunity slip by; seize your chance to enrich your life and career through our groundbreaking training program. By choosing Scholistico, you’re not only investing in a brighter future for yourself but also contributing to a global movement towards greater health, balance, and harmony.


Elevate Your Career & Life with The Holistic Practitioner Training Course

With Scholistico’s Holistic Health Practitioner Online Certification Training Course, you gain access to a comprehensive, integrative education designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary for success in this rapidly growing field. As a student of our program, you will:

1. Master mind-body-spirit wellness methodologies drawn from diverse healing traditions.
2. Develop practical skills in areas such as nutrition, exercise, emotional wellness, and spirituality.
3. Receive personal guidance and support from expert instructors actively working in holistic health.
4. Benefit from flexible online learning that accommodates your unique schedule and needs.
5. Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals pursuing their passion for holistic health.
6. Earn a prestigious certification recognized by clients and peers alike.

By choosing Scholistico’s training program, not only do you invest in your own future success but also play a vital role in transforming the lives of those you serve through holistic health practices.


Transform Your Life and the Lives of Others: Join the Ranks of Our Successful Holistic Health Practitioners

Since launching our Holistic Health Practitioner Training Course, we’ve had the privilege of witnessing thousands of individuals like you transform their lives and the lives of others through the power of an integrated healing approach.

Our students have experienced myriad benefits, including improved overall health, increased energy, and a heightened sense of well-being.

The consistent success of our program is a testament to the incredible potential of holistic health and healing. By equipping our students with the knowledge and tools necessary to tap into the power of holistic health, we’re proud to have contributed to their journeys toward a healthier, happier life.


Dive into Holistic Health...

Transform Your Life with Our Holistic Health Certificate Program

Immerse yourself in the world of holistic health and wellness with our comprehensive Naturopathy Practitioner Certificate Program. This all-encompassing course enables you to uncover the time-tested wisdom of naturopathy and learn how to tap into the power of natural remedies and therapies.

As you delve deeper into this fascinating field, you’ll acquire invaluable knowledge on how to support your body’s innate healing process, paving the way to a healthier, happier life.

Our program is meticulously designed to provide you with a well-rounded education in naturopathy, covering everything from its history and principles to the latest breakthroughs and techniques.

By the end of your journey, you’ll possess the skills and expertise necessary to help others achieve optimal health and wellness, guiding them on their own path to holistic well-being.

Limited Time Offer

Get certified in Holistic Health and enjoy a 75%+ discount: receive the entire course with a free printed certificate and the 5+ bonuses for a single payment of AU$133, instead of AU$1206.

Upon signing up, you’ll gain instant access to the course and the exclusive forum on your mobile, tablet, or computer.

Available At This Price For A Limited Time Only.
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Start Your Online Holistic Health Practitioner Training Course


Here is the Detailed Program of the Training

Click on the title of the modules to discover the content of the course.

Embark on a transformative journey with an immersive introduction to the multi-dimensional realm of holistic health. This module provides a comprehensive exploration of the holistic health paradigm, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. Prepare to dive into the principles, ancient wisdom, modern perspectives, and a profound understanding of disease and healing in the holistic context.

Module 1: Foundations of Holistic Health includes:

  • Understanding the Complete Holistic Health Paradigm and Its Principles: Uncover the essence of holistic health and its ethos of wholeness, balance, and interconnectedness. Gain a deeper understanding of how this approach empowers innate healing processes and encourages a wholesome lifestyle.
  • Learning The Role of the Holistic Health Practitioner: Explore the practitioner’s role in guiding clients through their healing journey, addressing multi-dimensional imbalances that could escalate into serious health concerns.
    • Exercise: Reflect on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and how this understanding can enhance your practice as a holistic health practitioner.
  • Discovering the Holistic Approach to Disease and Healing: Dive into the holistic view of illness and healing, including chronic diseases, the role of microorganisms, and the influence of ancestral patterns and childhood illnesses on individual health.
    • Exercise: Research and reflect on your own ancestral and generational health patterns, gaining insights into how they may impact your personal health and well-being.
  • Uncovering the Meta Human Anatomy: Expand your perspective beyond the physical and mental domains, exploring the etheric, astral, and causal aspects of health, and their integral role in holistic well-being.
    • Exercise: Map your multidimensional self, exploring the interconnectedness of your physical, etheric, astral, mental, and causal bodies.
  • Learning the Significance of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration: Understand the crucial role of energy, frequency, and vibration in holistic health, and how they influence our overall well-being.
    • Exercise: Engage in practices that help you experience and understand the impact of energy and vibration on your health and well-being.
  • Adopting The Practice and Power of Journaling: Discover the importance of journaling as a tool for self-awareness, reflection, and documenting your holistic health journey.
    • Exercises: Start your own health journal and learn how to guide your clients in starting theirs, fostering a deeper connection with their healing process.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Evaluate your comprehension and retention of the material covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the holistic health paradigm, the role of a holistic health practitioner, and the significance of energy, frequency, and vibration in well-being. This solid foundation will serve as a launchpad for your journey towards becoming a compassionate and enlightened holistic health practitioner, ready to guide others on their path to wholeness and balance.

Continue your journey as a Holistic Health Practitioner by diving into the art of learning and teaching, crucial skills that will elevate your practice and enable you to better serve your clients. This module focuses on developing your ability to learn effectively, think critically, and educate others, empowering you to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of holistic health.

Module 2: The Art of Learning and Teaching includes:

  • Recognizing the Multi-Bodied Nature of Learning: Explore how learning transcends the mental body, involving the physical, emotional, causal, and etheric bodies, and discover strategies to engage all aspects of your being in the learning process.
    • Exercise: Identify and overcome common obstacles to learning, such as “I Knew That,” “I Disagree,” Tension, and Distraction, to foster a receptive and focused learning mindset.
  • Applying Embodied Learning Techniques: Incorporate assimilation and memorization techniques that engage the five bodies to create a holistic, immersive learning experience.
    • Exercise: Engage in the Win Wenger Intelligence Method, a technique that emphasizes articulation and description to enhance cognitive abilities and potentially increase IQ.
  • Honing Critical Thinking Skills: Develop your ability to recognize rhetorical persuasion, identify logical fallacies, and assess the strength of arguments within the context of holistic health.
    • Exercises: Analyze the impact of rhetorical persuasion on your holistic health beliefs, create examples of logical fallacies, and evaluate the robustness of arguments in holistic health.
  • Engaging in Holistic Health Research: Apply research principles and techniques to address real-world challenges or investigate questions relevant to your practice as a holistic health practitioner.
    • Exercise: Conduct a research project, honing your skills in formulating research questions, identifying pertinent literature, evaluating sources, and synthesizing information to reach meaningful conclusions.
  • Facilitating Client Empowerment Through Education: Recognize the significance of educating and empowering clients, acknowledging that sustainable change originates from within, and adopt a client-centered approach to facilitate transformative, empowering, and preventative change.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By honing your skills in learning and teaching, you will become a more versatile, effective, and empowered holistic health practitioner, equipped to make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of your clients. This module provides you with the tools and frameworks necessary to nurture a lifelong passion for learning, both for yourself and your clients, ultimately fostering greater personal and professional growth, and contributing to improved health outcomes for all.

Dive deeper into the realm of holistic health by exploring the profound impact of love, connection, and emotional resilience on our overall well-being. This module offers a comprehensive understanding of how these elements intertwine to create a foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life, both for you as a practitioner and for your clients.

Module 3: Nurturing Love, Connection, and Emotional Resilience includes:

  • Exploring the Power of Love: Discover love as a fundamental life-force that propels us towards growth, connection, and emotional resilience, extending beyond the realm of mere emotion.
    • Exercises: Practice self-compassion and embrace empathetic connection to foster emotional resilience and deepen client relationships in your holistic health practice.
  • Developing Emotional Resilience: Acquire practical, actionable strategies to enhance emotional resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with grace and adaptability.
    • Exercises: Enhance your understanding and mastery of mindfulness and emotional trade, two critical techniques in building emotional resilience and promoting etheric tuning.
  • Navigating Relationships for Well-being: Learn to manage various relationships from a holistic perspective, leveraging love, empathy, and understanding to strengthen emotional resilience and overall well-being.
    • Exercises: Explore your relationship landscape, build your personal support network, and deepen your involvement in a chosen community to cultivate emotional resilience and holistic well-being.
  • Cultivating Community and Building Support Networks: Gain insights on fostering community connections and establishing robust support networks that bolster emotional resilience and contribute to holistic health.
  • Applying Principles to Your Practice: Discover how embodying the principles of love, connection, and emotional resilience can fortify your own resilience and enable you to provide effective mentorship for your clients.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that each concept and principle forms the bedrock for a healthier, more resilient life. Embrace the process of molding and reshaping thought patterns and beliefs with patience, conviction, and an open, receptive mind. By mastering the art of nurturing love, connection, and emotional resilience, you will become a more effective and compassionate holistic health practitioner, equipped to guide your clients towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Ignite your creative spark and nurture authentic expression, as we explore the profound interconnectedness of learning, creating, and loving. This module delves into the role of creativity in shaping personal growth, impact, and the success of your holistic health practice, recognizing that the highest form of nutrition is found in our creative expression.

Module 4: The Power of Creating and Purposeful Living includes:

  • Recognizing the Inherent Creativity in Everyone: Discover how everyone is inherently creative, and explore the importance of nurturing this aspect of our being, regardless of perceived talent or skill.
    • Exercises: Embrace empowering beliefs and find your true purpose through deep introspection and self-awareness, laying the foundation for authentic creative expression.
  • Integrating Creative Practices for Holistic Well-being: Learn how incorporating creative practices into daily life can reduce stress, cultivate a sense of purpose, and build resilience, contributing to overall health and happiness.
    • Exercise: Develop a clear vision for your true purpose using advanced visualization techniques, creating a roadmap for achieving your goals and fulfilling your authentic path.
  • Embracing Creativity and Innovation in Holistic Health Practice: Explore the crucial role of creativity and innovation in the success and impact of your holistic health practice, and learn how to find creative solutions to the challenges faced in developing and growing your business.
    • Exercises: Cultivate counter-intuitive thinking for innovation, reframe your understanding of labor and leisure, and craft your personal Focusing Lens to shape your perception of the world in transformative ways.
  • Aligning Actions with Authentic Purpose: Discover how aligning your actions with your core values and embracing change can lead to a life of vitality, purpose, and joy, reflecting in the success of your holistic health practice.
  • Redefining Prosperity and Abundance: Explore a holistic view of abundance that encompasses spiritual, emotional, and relational richness, recognizing that true prosperity lies in the impact we have on the world around us.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

As you progress through this module, recognize the dynamic and symbiotic relationship between learning, creating, and loving, and how each aspect builds upon the others in a meaningful and transformative way. By igniting your creative spark and aligning your actions with your authentic purpose, you will not only build a life of profound meaning and fulfillment but also contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, connected, and thriving world.

Discover the principles that govern healthy living systems. This module explores the interplay between natural, unnatural, and supernatural factors, the four essential health activities, and the importance of prioritizing function over form. You will also learn about key concepts such as homeostasis, hormesis, individuality, minimal intervention, time scales, and sustainability.

Module 5: Foundations of Healthy Bodies includes:

  • Principles of Healthy Living Systems: Explore the fundamental principles that underpin healthy living systems, including the interplay between natural, unnatural, and supernatural factors, the four essential health activities (nourishing, exercising, resting, and cleaning), and the importance of prioritizing function over form.
  • Dynamic Balance: Homeostasis and Hormesis: Understand the concepts of homeostasis and hormesis, and how they contribute to maintaining balance and promoting resilience in the physical body.
  • Individuality, Minimal Intervention, and Sustainability: Discover the importance of recognizing individual differences, applying minimal intervention when addressing health concerns, and promoting sustainable practices for long-term well-being.
  • Diversification, Time Scales, and Moderation: Learn about the benefits of diversification in health practices, understanding the impact of time scales on health outcomes, and the importance of moderation in maintaining balance.
  • Streamlining Root Cause Analysis for Physical Health: Acquire a streamlined approach to analyzing potential root causes of physical disease, focusing on predispositions, inputs, and the causal system of symptoms and mechanisms.
    • Exercise: Practice identifying potential root causes for specific symptoms using the root cause analysis procedure.
  • Three Key Somatic Mechanisms: Explore the three key somatic mechanisms that underlie many chronic health issues: immunity and inflammation, metabolism, and hormones (including insulin, cortisol, testosterone, and growth hormone).
    • Exercise: Conduct research to develop a deeper understanding of one or more of the three key somatic mechanisms and their role in chronic disease.
  • Integrating the Principles of Healthy Systems: Synthesize the knowledge gained throughout the module and learn how to apply the principles of healthy living systems in a holistic manner to support physical health and well-being.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have a solid foundation in the principles of healthy living systems and a deeper understanding of the key somatic mechanisms that influence physical health. Armed with this knowledge and practical tools for root cause analysis, you will be well-equipped to support your clients in achieving optimal health and well-being.

Dive into the world of exercise and rest, and discover the vital role they play in maintaining the health and well-being of not only the physical body but also the mental, astral, etheric, and causal bodies. This module explores the interconnectedness of these aspects and emphasizes the importance of finding balance between activity and inactivity for optimal functioning.

Module 6: Exercise & Rest includes:

  • Functional Movement Patterns: Learn about the four primary functional movement patterns and the principles that govern them, as well as how to identify and address non-functional movement patterns and imbalances.
    • Exercise: Evaluate and optimize your workout routine to ensure it incorporates functional movement patterns and promotes overall health and well-being.
  • Corrective Exercise: Discover the importance of identifying and addressing asymmetries, as well as achieving optimal mobility and stability for improved function and performance.
  • Dailies and Weeklies: Explore the concept of dailies and weeklies, a sustainable approach to exercise consistency that helps build a strong foundation while also promoting progress and growth.
    • Exercise: Design your own dailies and weeklies routine, focusing on consistency, optimal growth, and the integration of these practices into your overall wellness plan.
  • Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Understand the sleep cycle, the role of circadian rhythms in sleep regulation, and the numerous benefits of quality sleep for health and well-being. Learn how to optimize your sleep environment and habits to promote better rest and recovery.
    • Exercise: Reflect on your current sleep habits and environment, identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes to enhance the quality and quantity of your sleep.
  • Ultradian Rhythms and Adrenal Fatigue: Discover the importance of ultradian rhythms in maintaining optimal health and preventing adrenal fatigue. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and strategies for addressing adrenal fatigue.
  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Explore the role of the vagus nerve in promoting relaxation and holistic well-being. Learn about natural reflexes and techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve to unlock the body’s relaxation response.
    • Exercise: Design your own vagus nerve stimulation practice, incorporating techniques and reflexes that promote relaxation and support overall health and well-being.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the vital role that exercise and rest play in promoting holistic health and well-being across all aspects of your being. Armed with practical strategies for optimizing your workout routine, sleep habits, and relaxation practices, you will be well-equipped to support your own health and that of your clients, fostering a balanced, thriving state of being.

Journey into the art and science of cleansing, exploring the myriad ways in which this essential activity can enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This module will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to adopt a practice of habitual cleansing, drawing upon the wisdom of ancient traditions, the insights of modern research, and the power of personal experience.

Module 7: Detoxification and Cleansing includes:

  • Physiological Detoxification: Understand the crucial role of the liver-kidney detoxification circuit in maintaining optimal health and preventing the buildup of harmful toxins.
    • Explore the two-phase process of liver detoxification and the limitations of kidney filtration in eliminating fat-soluble toxins.
    • Discover the double-edged sword of free radicals in detoxification and the importance of antioxidants in balancing their effects.
  • Liver Detoxification Protocol: Learn a comprehensive 7-step protocol for supporting liver detoxification, including pre-fast feasting, sweating sessions, nutrient-dense broths, juicing, supplementation, and fasting.
    • Exercise: Implement the liver detoxification protocol to enhance your body’s natural detoxification processes.
  • Peripheral Detoxification Systems: Explore the role of the respiratory system and integumentary system in eliminating toxins through breath and sweat, and discover ways to support these peripheral detoxification pathways.
  • The Immune System & The Lymphatic System: Understand the interplay of immunity and lymphatics in detoxification, and learn natural remedies, lymphatic drainage techniques, nutrition, and exercise strategies to support immune and lymphatic health.
  • EMFs and Light Exposure: Navigate the complex world of EMFs, distinguishing between native and non-native EMF signals, and implement practical strategies to reduce non-native EMF exposure.
    • Discover the importance of grounding for modern health and explore the healing power of red light and sun exposure.
    • Exercise: Assess and optimize your EMF and light exposure to promote overall well-being.
  • Hygiene & Immaterial Cleansing: Cultivate optimal physical hygiene practices for disease prevention and overall well-being, and explore the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of cleanliness.
    • Develop practical frameworks, practices, and tools for holistic hygiene, including building a routine of cleanliness, creating discrete functional spaces, and optimizing energetic flow.
    • Exercises: Reflect on cleanliness in different aspects of life and develop a personalized holistic hygiene routine.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have a deep understanding of the importance of cleansing in all aspects of life, from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual. You will be equipped with practical strategies and tools to optimize your detoxification pathways, manage EMF and light exposure, cultivate holistic hygiene practices, and use cleansing as a tool for healing and personal growth.

Dive into the world of nutrition through the lens of bioenergetics and functional medicine. This module provides essential knowledge and principles that will serve you as a Holistic Health Practitioner, focusing on the fundamental aspects of nutrition everyone should understand.

Module 8: Nutrition and Gut Health includes:

  • Fixing Gut Dysbiosis: Understand the importance of addressing gut dysbiosis before nutrient deficiencies and explore the gut microbiome’s role in overall health.
    • Healing the Gut: Learn about gut microbiome testing, elimination diets, fasting, and probiotic and prebiotic foods.
    • Exercises: Engage in a gut health mini-case study and a homemade sauerkraut challenge for practical experience.
  • Fixing Nutrient Deficiencies: Explore bioavailability and learn about key nutrients for optimal health, including water, micronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
    • Practical Approaches: Discover strategies for optimizing nutrient intake and understanding bioavailability.
    • Testing for Nutrient Deficiencies: Learn about identifying and addressing nutrient deficiencies.
    • Exercise: Design personalized 3-day nutrition plans that support optimal health.
  • Nutrition and the Three Key Somatic Mechanisms of Disease: Examine how nutrition relates to chronic inflammation, metabolic dysfunction, and hormonal imbalance.
  • Comprehensive Nourishment for Optimal Health: Understand the importance of effective resource management for the body.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have a solid foundation in nutrition principles from a bioenergetic and functional medicine perspective. You will be equipped with practical strategies for addressing gut dysbiosis, correcting nutrient deficiencies, and designing personalized nutrition plans. As you continue your journey, integrate this knowledge with your existing expertise to provide the best support for your clients in their pursuit of holistic well-being.

Learn the art of focusing and controlling energy for holistic health. This module explores the nature of energy, its role in connecting various aspects of our being, and powerful techniques to harness its potential for healing and personal growth. Drawing on insights inspired by energy healing modalities, you will learn to cultivate heightened awareness of your energy flow and develop skills to direct it purposefully.

Module 9: Focusing & Controlling Energy For Holistic Health includes:

  • Understanding Energy and Its Role in Holistic Health: Explore the concept of energy as the fundamental substance connecting the causal, astral, mental, and physical bodies, with the etheric body serving as the bridge. Discover the principles governing psycho-spiritual manipulation of energy and the relationship between energy, focus, willpower, and the placebo effect.
  • Techniques for Focusing and Controlling Energy: Learn and apply powerful techniques to manipulate the etheric body and direct energy flow, including prayer, affirmation, intention, fasting, self-denial, dopamine hacking, meditation, and visualization.
  • Insights Inspired by Energy Healing Modalities: Explore concepts and techniques inspired by various energy healing modalities to gain a deeper understanding of the etheric body and its role in holistic health. Learn about energetic imprints, emotional distress, identities, and strategies for reclaiming personal power and conscious choice.
  • Exercises: Engage in practical exercises to develop your skills in focusing and controlling energy, such as mastering dopamine for enhanced focus, crafting personal energy control visualizations, and applying techniques inspired by energy healing modalities.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the etheric body, the nature of energy, and powerful techniques for focusing and controlling energy to promote holistic healing and personal growth. As a holistic health practitioner, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to guide your clients in harnessing the power of energy for their well-being and transformation.

*Disclaimer: The concepts and techniques inspired by the Mace Energy Method are not officially affiliated with or endorsed by the Causism Institute, and this course does not offer certification as a Mace Energy Method practitioner.

Unlock the power of effective holistic coaching and counseling, essential skills that will elevate your practice as a Holistic Health Practitioner. This module explores the key principles and techniques of effective coaching, empowering you to create a safe space where clients can explore their thoughts and experiences, and access their own inner wisdom.

Module 10: The Ultimate Guide to Holistic Coaching includes:

  • Counseling Skills for Holistic Health Practitioners: Understand the role of counseling in holistic health and explore essential skills, such as effective listening, communication, empathy, and authenticity.
  • Counseling Techniques: Learn and apply powerful techniques, including challenging, reframing, self-talk, encouragers, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
    • Exercises: Engage in a virtual counseling session and apply techniques in everyday conversations to develop your skills.
  • Holistic Health Coaching Sessions: Gain practical experience in planning, structuring, and conducting coaching sessions using an adaptable template.
  • Effective Coaching Techniques: Acquire a toolkit of evidence-based strategies, such as creating action plans, problem-solving, tracking progress, and adapting to clients’ needs.
    • Exercises: Script a coaching session and work through a case study to practice overcoming obstacles and applying effective techniques.
  • Challenges and Obstacles: Learn to navigate common challenges, such as clients struggling to identify goals, facing obstacles, or lacking motivation.
  • Additional Considerations: Explore online vs. offline coaching, using sample sessions, and continuously refining your skills.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding of the concepts covered in this module.

By the end of this module, you will have developed a deep understanding of the principles and techniques of effective holistic health coaching, gained practical experience in conducting coaching sessions, and cultivated the necessary skills to be an effective, ethical, and resilient coach. As you integrate these skills into your practice, you will be well-equipped to make a profound difference in your clients’ lives.

Explore the critical aspects of navigating the legal and ethical landscape of holistic health practice. This module will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to build a thriving, professional, and impactful practice while ensuring compliance with legal requirements and upholding the highest ethical standards.

Module 11: Ethics & Legal Nuances for Holistic Health Practitioners includes:

  • Legal Landscape and Scope of Practice: Understand and navigate the complex legal framework governing holistic health practice, including researching and complying with regulations specific to your location and practice area.
    • Defining Scope of Practice: Learn to define and communicate your scope of practice clearly, focusing on promoting wellness and prevention while maintaining clear boundaries.
    • Legal Limitations and Expanding Scope of Practice: Explore the prohibition on medical diagnosis and treatment, referral requirements, licensing considerations, and how continuing education can help you expand your scope of practice.
    • Insurance Considerations: Understand the importance of reviewing and updating your insurance coverage to protect yourself financially and demonstrate professional responsibility.
    • Exercise: Research and define your scope of practice, tailoring it to your specific location, practice area, and professional qualifications.
  • Ethical Considerations and Client Management: Develop a comprehensive understanding of ethical standards in holistic health practice and implement effective client management strategies.
    • Ethical Standards and Professional Boundaries: Explore the general ethical standard that underpins holistic health practice, including prioritizing client welfare, maintaining professional boundaries, protecting confidentiality, and ensuring informed consent.
    • Client Screening and Record Keeping: Learn to implement comprehensive screening processes, recognize red flags, handle client disqualification professionally, and maintain detailed, accurate, and secure records.
    • Exercise: Expand your ethical framework by developing personal and professional ethical guidelines tailored to your practice.
  • Building Professional Relationships and Collaborative Care: Learn to build professional relationships and engage in collaborative care to create a supportive and comprehensive care environment that benefits your clients’ well-being.
    • Importance of Professional Networks: Understand the benefits of collaboration for practitioners, clients, and healthcare, and learn to identify and approach potential partners.
    • Navigating Challenges and Documentation: Discover strategies for handling disagreements professionally, building long-term relationships, and maintaining detailed records in collaborative care settings.
    • Exercise: Prepare to initiate a collaborative relationship with a physician by researching potential partners and developing a communication plan.
  • Quiz (15 questions): Assess your understanding and retention of the concepts covered in this module.

By embracing the legal and ethical principles discussed in this module and committing to ongoing learning and growth, you will be well-equipped to make a positive difference in the lives of your clients and contribute to the advancement of the holistic health field.

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Upon successful completion of the course, you will have the option of printing your certificate

Our certifications are internationally recognized

Our courses have earned accreditation from four highly respected institutions: International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), Complementary Medical Association (CMA), the Center for CPD Excellence (CPD) and the National Certification Council For Activity Professionals (NCCAP). Our team of skilled professionals, chosen for their expertise and enthusiasm for teaching, have developed these courses to include both valuable information and practical exercises that will assist you in achieving your personal and professional objectives.

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Avatar of Erica Perkins Erica Perkins
Posted 2 months ago

Overall well being is possible

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Avatar of Katarina Katarina
Posted 3 months ago
Great course

I loved this course!

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Avatar of Megan Megan
Posted 3 months ago
Easy to understand

I loved it!

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Avatar of Dr. Ahdy Dr. Ahdy
Posted 3 months ago
Comprehensive course

Very important to learn it

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Avatar of Dee Dee
Posted 4 months ago
Very informative,.

Very informative and in depth explanation of all modules.

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Avatar of Shreejeet Shrestha Shreejeet Shrestha
Posted 4 months ago
Holistic Health approaches

The concept of Holistic Health approach is exceptional and very practical with vague concepts and practical aspects on them.

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Join Community Today, And Get Access To These Exclusive Bonuses

Value = $59.00

Bonus #1

50+ Habits For Holistic Health

Embark on a transformative journey towards complete well-being with our comprehensive guide to holistic health practices. This invaluable resource is designed to revolutionize your daily routines and elevate your overall quality of life.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Energizing Mornings: Kickstart your day with invigorating rituals that awaken your body and sharpen your mind, setting a positive tone for the hours ahead.
  • Mindful Midday Practices: Learn techniques to maintain your energy and focus throughout the day, including balanced nutrition, strategic rest periods, and mindfulness exercises.
  • Restorative Evenings: Wind down with calming routines that promote relaxation and prepare your body and mind for rejuvenating sleep.
  • Peaceful Nighttime Rituals: Explore practices that support restful sleep and mental clarity, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle a new day.
  • Lifestyle Integration Tips: Each habit comes with practical advice on how to seamlessly incorporate it into your daily life, making these positive changes both sustainable and enjoyable.

This guide is thoughtfully designed for both digital and print formats, featuring an interactive layout that enhances your learning experience. The included tracking templates allow you to monitor your progress and stay motivated on your path to holistic health.

With 50+ Habits for Holistic Health, you’re not just adopting new routines; you’re embracing a lifestyle that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Let this comprehensive guide be your companion in creating a more balanced, healthier, and happier version of yourself.

Value = $199

Bonus #2

Health And Wellness Business Toolkit

Our Health & Wellness Toolkit includes a variety of resources to help you effectively market your health and wellness business on social media. The toolkit includes a Social Media Kit totalling 40 templates.

Our templates are designed to be fully customizable, allowing you to easily adjust the colours, fonts, and images to match your brand. Whether you’re promoting a new product, sharing wellness tips, or announcing an event, these templates have everything you need to create professional and engaging social media content that will attract and retain your audience.

By using our Health & Wellness Toolkit, you can save time and effort while still maintaining a consistent and professional online presence for your business.

Bonus #2

Fill-In the Blanks Scripts And Contracts

Are you tired of spending hours drafting professional and legally sound documents for your health and wellness business?

Our Fill-In Blanks Scripts and Contracts are here to help! With customizable templates for everything from consultations and treatment plans to client agreements and HIPAA compliance, these scripts and contracts will save you time and effort while still ensuring that you are providing high quality care and protecting your business.

Simply fill in the blanks with your own information and you’ll have a professional and organized document in no time.

Don’t waste any more time struggling to create these important documents from scratch – invest in our Fill-In the Blanks Scripts and Contracts and streamline your practice today!

Value = $399

Bonus #3

50+ Mandalas Coloring Book: Relax, Reflect, and Renew

Immerse yourself in a world of tranquility and artistic expression with our exclusive “50+ Mandalas Coloring Book,” designed to enhance your creative journey and promote overall well-being. This comprehensive collection offers:

Diverse Mandala Designs: Explore a rich variety of intricate patterns, from nature-inspired motifs to complex geometric shapes, each crafted to engage your mind and soothe your spirit.

Mindfulness and Relaxation: Discover how the repetitive and symmetrical nature of mandalas can help you achieve meditative states, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

Printable High-Quality Pages: Access ready-to-print, high-resolution mandala designs suitable for various coloring mediums, from colored pencils to markers.

This bonus is perfect for artists seeking inspiration, educators looking to incorporate mindfulness into their curriculum, or anyone desiring a creative outlet for relaxation. The “50+ Mandalas Coloring Book” serves as both a practical tool for stress relief and a gateway to enhanced self-expression and personal growth.

Value = $59.00

Value = $60

Bonus #4

Guided Meditation Audios for Stress and Anxiety Relief

Experience tranquillity and inner peace with our specially curated selection of guided meditation audios, designed to help you manage stress and anxiety more effectively. This bonus set includes the following 5 meditation sessions:

Meditation for Artists: Unleash your creativity and find inspiration through this unique meditation tailored for artists.
Beginner’s Meditation: A perfect introduction to meditation for newcomers, this session will guide you through the basics of mindfulness and relaxation.
Connect with Nature: Immerse yourself in the calming embrace of nature with this meditation designed to help you connect with the natural world.
Connecting with Animals: Strengthen your bond with the animal kingdom and foster a sense of empathy and compassion through this animal-focused meditation.
Calm the Nervous System: Soothe your nerves and restore balance to your body with this meditation specifically designed to target your nervous system.

Bonus #5

Relaxing Music Sessions for Enhanced Tranquility

Elevate your relaxation moments with our meticulously curated collection of Relaxing Music Sessions. We’re introducing a set of six one-hour music tracks, each uniquely designed to foster a sense of tranquility, peace, and well-being. These melodies have been expertly crafted featuring calming instruments intertwined with the gentle sounds of nature, setting the stage for a truly serene experience.

  1. Wonders Let your mind wander with the awe-inspiring sounds that evoke feelings of wonder and discovery.
  2. Night Fall: Surrender to the soothing embrace of the night with melodies that bring calm as the sun sets.
  3. Faithful Rise: Start your day with rejuvenating tunes that inspire hope and a faithful new beginning.
  4. Buddha Mind: Immerse yourself in the enlightening vibrations, resonating with the teachings and peace of the Buddha.
  5. Birds and Light: Feel the gentle morning light accompanied by the harmonious chirping of birds, guiding you to a place of peace.
  6. A Calm Evening: End your day with calming notes that set the mood for a relaxed evening of introspection.

These music sessions are versatile in their application. They can be played during therapy sessions, workshops, or during any relaxation exercises. Alternatively, recommend them to your clients for personal use – be it at home, work, or during commutes. By creating a calming atmosphere, they serve as the perfect backdrop for unwinding, reflecting, and achieving inner balance. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or someone seeking a peaceful retreat from daily stressors, our Relaxing Music Sessions offer a harmonic escape to serenity.

Value = $59

Value = $199.00

Bonus #6

Scholistico Mobile App

With the Scholistico Mobile App, you can take your learning journey to new heights, wherever and whenever it suits you. Whether you’re commuting to work, enjoying a coffee break, or simply relaxing at home, this powerful app puts the world of knowledge and connection right at your fingertips.

Here’s what you can expect from the Scholistico Mobile App:

  • 1. Seamless Learning: Access your training courses, materials, modules, and resources directly through the app.
  • 2. Community Engagement: Connect with a vibrant network of like-minded learners, just like yourself.
  • 3. Group Interaction: Join specialized groups created specifically for specific niches and areas of interest within the holistic health community.
  • 4. Personalized Learning Experience: With the Scholistico Mobile App, you have the power to tailor your learning experience to suit your individual needs.
  • 5. Exclusive Content: Gain access to bonus content and exclusive resources that are only available through the Scholistico Mobile App.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You have the questions, we have the answers.
Just like other health practitioners, a “Holistic Health Practitioner” is a professional who assists individuals in improving their health. However, unlike other health practitioners that target specific areas, the holistic approach emphasizes whole individual health – physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. They use a variety of alternative health approaches, such as yoga, meditation, or massage, amongst others, to promote overall well-being.
The Holistic Health Practitioner Training Course is an all-inclusive online course designed to impart knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful holistic health practitioner. The course comprehensively covers different areas, such as alternative healing methods, lifestyle changes for better health, and ethical issues in this field.
Anyone with a genuine interest in holistic health practices, including both beginners and seasoned health practitioners looking to broaden their skill set, can take this course. The course is designed to be highly intuitive and accessible.
There are no particular prerequisites to take this course. You just need a gadget with a steady internet connection to access the course materials and participate in online activities.
The course is self-paced, and the duration depends on each learner’s speed. However, an average of 50 to 120 minutes per module is generally the expected time frame.
The course is modular, with each segment addressing a specific topic within holistic health. It offers a diverse learning experience, featuring readings, interactive exercises, and practical assignments.
Certainly! The course not only equips you with the skills for professional practice but also personal use, benefiting your own health and the well-being of those around you.
Upon successful completion, you will receive a valid certificate from recognized bodies as proof of your proficiency in holistic health practice.
You will be part of a vibrant community of learners and mentors as you undertake the course. They will be available should you need any help or guidance with the course contents.
We have a quiz at the end of each module to evaluate your understanding of the topic. At the end of the course, you will also take a final multiple-choice exam, which you need to pass by scoring at least 80%.

Today’s Price $595

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Your early involvement isn’t just appreciated – it’s essential! By joining us now, you’ll provide crucial feedback that will guide us in tailoring the course to meet your needs and expectations.

As a token of our gratitude for your proactive involvement and early registration, you will get:

  1. Early access to the holistic health modules
  2. Immediate access to the bonuses, community and tools
  3. A specially designed certificate of completion, sent directly to your door, completely free!