

As an aspiring holistic health practitioner, I aspire to assist those seeking to pursue a healing health and wellness journey. In my personal life, being empowered by the body, mind, and soul’s constant change has always been an everlasting adaptation. Getting to know my body, investing in my education as an overall health coach and personal trainer, and gathering alternative health and wellness products and practices really helped change my life in a spiritual and emotional sense. I gathered different sources of healing practices such as revamping my faith and reevaluating the basis of where my vitality lies. Often times I questioned if I was on the right path towards reaping a soothing harvest and my health and wellness journey was for sure an important factor to help me get there. This definitely solidified and encouraged the significance of alternative medicine and its holistic effects.

I am excited and beyond to assist and continue to develop a healthier lifestyle while helping others get there.

Cheers to holistic well-being!


General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Medical Equipment Technician


Preferred Homecare

Date Started
