Internationally Accredited
Online Courses In Holistic
Health & Wellness

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Our Online Certification Courses

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270+ Reviews
7831+ Students
270+ Reviews
7831+ Students
Embrace the love of Art with our Art Therapy Practitioner Course. Art therapy is a therapeutic approach that places art in the service of health and well-being.
286+ Reviews
7909+ Students
286+ Reviews
7909+ Students
Discover the fascinating world of naturopathic medicine with our comprehensive online course. Unveil the mysteries of naturopathy for your health.
66+ Reviews
2339+ Students
66+ Reviews
2339+ Students
Empower your journey towards wellness with our online Holistic Nutrition Consultant training, and be the guiding light for others seeking a naturally vibrant lifestyle.
43+ Reviews
1915+ Students
43+ Reviews
1915+ Students

Harness Holistic Health Expertise to Nurture Wellness and Build a Thriving Practice by integrating mind and for comprehensive well-being.

16+ Reviews
193+ Students
16+ Reviews
193+ Students
Our accessible Animal Communication Specialist course will teach you everything you need to know to become a skilled animal communicator.
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Very interesting course and good online support. I hope to pass at the end of my exam.

Julia Scheppens

Why Choose Scholistico?

Learn, Create, Share

Scholistico provides the opportunity to learn, collaborate and communicate under the same roof.

Learning Communities

Our courses gives you access to exclusive communities and social interactions on platform with people learning the same skills as you.

Globally Recognized

The certifications we offer are globally recognized, which makes you stand out from the crowd.

No Learning Boundaries

There are no boundaries with Scholistico when it comes to learning. Experience all the full potential of the platform across all of your favorite devices.

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Student Reviews

Avatar of Pam Pam
Posted 31 mins ago
Easy To Understand and Digest

This course was easy to digest and absorb. It also gave some great post educational suggestions.

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Avatar of Ann Ann
Posted 2 hours ago
Great suggestions for common ills!

This book offered many suggestions to promote wellness and ease symptoms of various ailments.

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Avatar of Sandra Sandra
Posted 3 hours ago
Making a living in Art

Excellent thorough in-depth information!

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Avatar of Emanuel Emanuel
Posted 3 hours ago
You get out what you put in.

I liked all the information provided in this book, the fact that you can pick and choose what works for you and this book highlights many areas where one can improve their art business. However one must remember that in any business success is largely based on an individual effort.

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Avatar of Bella Bella
Posted 11 hours ago
Very educational and informative

Enjoyed learning about the Rorschach Inkblot test history and application on how to use it in art therapy and other practices.

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Avatar of Ginger Land-van Buuren Ginger Land-van Buuren
Posted 16 hours ago
Great Examples

I love the outline and ease of processing intention and outcome in the example exercises.

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Avatar of sandsand sandsand
Posted 22 hours ago
Love it

Love all the idea so far and I am excited to use it in my session with clients

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Avatar of Tammy Curley Tammy Curley
Posted 22 hours ago
It had a lot of good information and ideas.

I liked the different mediums that were used. Paint, pencils, magazine clippings, tiles. So many different ideas.

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Avatar of Denise Denise
Posted 1 day ago

This module leaves you feeling empowered

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Avatar of Amal Amal
Posted 2 days ago
It was OK.

Everyone is different. But for me only one thing was new to me. Out of the 50 Natural home remedies that continue in the book.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Once you have chosen the course you wish to attend, choose a payment method and use our secure interface to proceed with the payment. Once the payment is validated, you will receive an email with your login information.

You can send your request by e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

However, we recommend that you write down your login details as soon as you receive the e-mail confirming your registration.

You have unlimited lifetime access to training programs. You can start your training whenever you want, there is no time limit to complete it. Each module takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Yes, you have a 30-day refund period from the time you confirm payment.

You will find a quiz at the end of each module. These quizzes are not mandatory, but are recommended to review your knowledge and prepare you for the final exam.

A multiple choice exam is given at the end of the course. To pass, you must get 80% correct. If you get less than 80% correct, you will be given the opportunity to retake the exam. If you pass, you can print your certificate online.

Our training courses consist of downloadable PDF documents and audio material.

Our training courses are designed for beginners as well as professionals. Whether you want to deepen your knowledge or acquire a new skill, our courses are accessible to you. The language used is simple and the techniques are explained in detail.

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