Tips & Tricks for Better Telepathy

One of the most important things to keep in mind when practicing telepathy is your mindset. You need to believe that you can do it in order to achieve success. If you don’t believe in yourself, then the other person is likely to pick up on that, and it will be harder to establish a connection.
Your routines and habits also have profound effects on your ability to communicate telepathically. Whether or not your habits keep you mentally and physically primed for telepathy largely depends on these habits. Are you practicing consistently? Do you give yourself time to relax and meditate each day? Do you eat healthy foods and exercise regularly? All of these things make a difference.
There are many other techniques that can help improve your telepathic ability, but these are some of the most important. Remember, the key is to keep practicing and to never give up. With time and perseverance, you will develop the ability to communicate telepathically.
Mindsets For Effective Telepathy
We’ve repeated it many times over the course of this training, adopting new mindsets is crucial to your success as an animal communicator. You may already have adopted some of the most important mindsets, however, we often think we believe something but we act as if we do not. Only once our behavior matches a mindset can we know that we have properly integrated it into our belief system.
Changing your mindset can quite literally change your reality. If you want to be successful at telepathic communication with animals, then you need to believe that it is possible. This may require some mental gymnastics at first, but it is worth it.
In this section, we will share some of the most important mindsets you can possibly adopt as an animal communicator. You will find that integrating these mindsets will have lasting beneficial effects on your ability to communicate clearly and fluently with animals through telepathic channels.
Some of these mindsets may seem obvious, but do not dismiss them or assume that you have already adopted the mindset. It is only in assessing our behavior that we can truly know if we have integrated a given mindset. For that reason, we will provide a list of the key behavioral indicators for each mindset that will help you assess whether or not the mindset has truly been adopted.
Growth Mindset
This is the very first mindset that we mentioned in this training. Without a growth mindset, you can forget about ever improving past anything more than mediocrity, if you’re lucky.
People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and other talents can be developed through hard work and dedication. They view new challenges as golden opportunities to learn and grow. People with a growth mindset are not afraid of failure and know that even if they don’t succeed at first, they can learn from their mistakes and try again.
People who have adopted a growth mindset are constantly learning and growing. They are curious about the world around them, and they are always looking for ways to improve their skills. They are willing to take risks, know that failure is part of the learning process, and are not afraid to try new things.
People with a growth mindset have a positive attitude towards life. They are optimistic, and they believe that anything is possible if they put in the effort. They are resilient and know that setbacks are part of life, but they don’t let them stop them from reaching their goals.
In order to have a growth mindset, you must be willing to face new challenges and see them as golden opportunities. You must also be willing to start small and work your way up. Every little win counts, and even losses are learning experiences.
One way to help you adopt a growth mindset is to start using the word “yet” in your vocabulary. This word allows you to always see potential for growth, no matter the situation.
Lastly, in order to have a growth mindset, you must stay curious. Curiosity will help you ask the right questions when you face new challenges and find value in both wins and losses.
If you display any of the following behaviors, it is likely that you have adopted a growth mindset:
- You face new challenges willingly and see them as golden opportunities
- You are willing to start small and work your way up
- Every little win counts to you
- Even loses are learning experiences
- You start using the word “yet” in your vocabulary
- You are curious about everything, even when what you learn challenges your worldview.
Assume That You Are Already Capable of Telepathy
When you adopt the mindset that you are already capable of telepathy, you begin to view yourself and the world in a different way. In this new perspective, telepathy is not some magical ability that only a select few can perform; it is simply a natural extension of communication. This change in perspective allows you to recognize your own telepathic abilities and situate yourself on a spectrum of competence rather than a binary (those who can and those who cannot).
Adopting this mindset is often as simple as recognizing the ways in which you already exhibit telepathic tendencies, regardless of the accuracy and quality of your intentional telepathic communication attempts. Think of a time when you knew someone was going to call just before they did, when you could sense someone’s emotional state from across the room, or when you’ve had a dream that later came true. All of these experiences are examples of low-level telepathic abilities that we all have to varying degrees.
Some people may find it helpful to journal about their experiences with unintentional telepathy as a way of recognizing their existing abilities. Once you have become more aware of your capabilities, it becomes easier to develop them further through practice.
When you adopt the mindset that you are already capable of telepathy, you are more open to using it and recognizing when you are using it. This can be shown through your behavior in everyday life.
You can tell whether or not you assume that you are capable of telepathy if you exhibit the following behaviors:
- You often omit verbal detail in your communications. (you may be unconsciously assuming that your target is picking up more than just your words, but also your intentions).
- You often pray to a higher power. (this is an indication that we believe that there we can communicate our thoughts through invisible/metaphysical channels.
- You practice telepathy everyday. Making a daily practice of telepathy is a very strong indication that you believe it is real enough to invest your time into. We only spend our time on things that we think are valuable in some way whether consciously or unconsciously. And we also do not value things that we don’t think are real. So if you are spending a sufficient amount of time practicing you can be fairly certain that you have indeed adopted the mindset of assuming that you are capable of telepathic communication.
Tips For Effective Telepathy
Expect Telepathic Communication From Your Animal Friends.
If you think about it, we often treat our animal companions as if they were already telepathic. We speak to them as if they understand us, we often attribute human emotions and characteristics to them, and we generally expect them to know what we want or how we feel. You’ll find that when you expect animals to communicate, they do and when you assume they won’t then they won’t.
This is an important mindset to adopt because it allows you to build trusting relationships with your animal friends based on communication. It also opens you up to the possibility of receiving telepathic messages from them. If you are open to the idea of telepathic communication, you are more likely to receive and interpret messages correctly.
It also helps build the mindset that animals are not machines, but individual persons just like humans. This is a crucial mindset as without it we would put up barriers to communication by assuming that the animal has less value than humans. Animals intuitively pick up on this feeling and will often outright reject the communication as a result of such offensive negativity.
Trust What You Receive From the Animal
Animal communication and indeed all communication is largely based upon trust. We need to have faith that the individuals we communicate with are acting in good faith and that they indeed mean what they say. This is especially important in the case of telepathic communication, as we often cannot physically confirm what is being communicated.
It is thus important to develop trust in the messages you receive from animals. Though it is possible for animals to lie and deceive, they do not do this unless they feel genuinely threatened. We will discuss lies and deceptions in a later module.
If we are constantly suspicious or skeptical about the messages we receive, we will inevitably break down the communication channel through the negative energy and intentions these assumptions carry with them.
Instead, it is better to trust the message and follow up with more questioning if you are unsure. This will help build a stronger foundation for communication that is based on trust and mutual understanding.
Acknowledge to Yourself and Your Animal Friends that You Have Received the Message
It is important to validate the message you have received, not just for your own sake but also for the animal’s. They need to know that you have received their message and that you are taking it seriously. This helps build trust between you and reinforces the idea that communication is possible.
You’ll find that acknowledging the messages you are receiving helps move the communication forward. It engages the animal and builds a stronger empathic connection as the animal recognizes that you are understanding it.
You can validate the message in a number of ways. The most obvious way is to simply say ‘thank you’ to the animal. You can also nod or give some other physical indication that you have received the message. Alternatively, you can mentally validate the message by thinking to yourself, ‘I acknowledge that I have received this message’.
Do not underestimate the power of this simple trick . It is often the acknowledgement that moves communication forward and allows for a deeper connection to be formed.
Daily Habits of effective Telepaths
As we have said many times before, telepathy is not easy to acquire and master. It takes tremendous practice and experience to become proficient. For this reason, it is important to follow a daily routine that will help you build new habits. These new habits will eventually become second nature and will serve to enhance your ability as a telepath.
The most effective telepathic animal communicators have developed powerful routines that allow them to connect with animals on a regular basis and learn the fundamental skills, mindsets, and traits that keep them sharp. They use these routines to practice and master their craft.
There are a number of habits that you can adopt to help improve your telepathic ability. We have outlined below the core habits that you need to cultivate in order to be the most effective telepathic animal communicator you can be.
Making a Habit of Affirmations
The first habit is to use affirmations.
You can use affirmations for any area of your life, not just telepathy. However, it is important to make sure that your affirmations are realistic. If you want to become a better telepathic animal communicator but you don’t believe that it is possible, then your affirmations will be ineffective.
You need to find a balance between creating affirmations that are realistic and those that challenge you. You also need to make sure that your affirmations are in the present tense. This is because affirmations work best when they are said as if they have already happened.
You can use affirmations in a number of ways. The most common way is to simply say them to yourself on a regular basis, either out loud or in your head. Many animal communicators opt to make their affirmations either first thing in the morning or right before practicing telepathic animal communication. This helps keep the affirmations fresh in your mind as you execute tasks that align with that affirmation.
Some may prefer to write down their affirmations during their daily journaling sessions or even during meditations as a type of mantra.
The important thing to remember is to be consistent with your affirmations. Make sure that you are making your affirmations on a daily basis and always at similar times, either following or preceding the same action every day. Doing this you will be more likely to make a habit of your affirmations.
Besides helping you to remove inner blocks to telepathic communication, affirmations allow you to align your self-identity with your behavior. Practicing affirmations every day will even help you establish other new habits and behaviors by affirming to yourself that you are the type of person that does those behaviors.
Sleep and Exercise
Another habit that you need to cultivate is making sure that you are getting enough sleep and exercise. This may seem like common sense, but it is important to remember that in order to be at your best telepathic animal communicators need to be physically and mentally rested.
Getting a good night’s sleep will help to ensure that you have the energy levels needed for effective telepathic communication. It will also help to clear your mind and allow you to focus on the task at hand.
Exercise is also important, as it helps improve circulation and increase blood flow. This is important as telepathic communication relies on subtle changes in the magnetic field around the body, which are more likely to occur when there is good blood flow.
In addition, exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that have mood boosting effects. This is important, as telepathic animal communication is more likely to be effective when you are in a positive state of mind.
There are a number of other benefits to exercise that can indirectly help with telepathic animal communication. For example, exercise has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. This means that you will be better able to remember the details of your telepathic conversations with animals.
It is important to find an exercise routine that works for you and that you enjoy. This will make it more likely that you will stick to it in the long term. There are a number of different exercises that you could try, including walking, running, swimming, yoga, and Tai Chi. These two latter options are excellent choices since they will also help you align and balance your Chakras which will compound on top of the traditional benefits of exercise.
Remember that you don’t have to do a lot of exercise to see the benefits. Even a moderate amount of exercise (30 minutes 3-5 times per week) can have a positive impact on your health.
Balanced Meals
Another important factor in achieving effective telepathic communication is making sure that you are eating balanced meals. This means eating a variety of healthy foods from all the different food groups.
It is important to eat breakfast, as it helps to jumpstart your metabolism for the day. A good breakfast should include complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Some examples of good breakfast choices include oatmeal with fruit and nuts, eggs with toast, or yogurt with granola.
For lunch and dinner, it is important to include a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and vegetables. Good lunch and dinner choices include grilled chicken with quinoa and roasted vegetables, salmon with rice and steamed broccoli, or lentil soup with a side salad.
It is also important to make sure that you are drinking enough water. Most adults need 8-10 cups of water per day. This may seem like a lot, but remember that water is involved in all of the bodily processes and is essential for good health.
In addition to helping with general health and well-being, eating balanced meals provides the energy needed for telepathic communication. When the body has the nutrients it needs, it can function at its best and this includes being able to effectively communicate telepathically.
Besides consuming a traditionally nutritious diet, the use of Ayurvedic principles can also benefit you from a dietary standpoint.
Ayurveda, as we have mentioned earlier in this training, is the ancient Indian system of medicine. It takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, and includes principles of diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies.
As we have mentioned earlier in this training, according to Ayurvedic teachings, the colors of the foods we inject are important indicators of Chakras. Foods whose color corresponds to the color of a given Chakra are thought to help strengthen that chakra. Refer to Module 4 if you need a refresher on Ayurvedic diets.
Telepathic Communication Practice
Of course, the best way to become better at telepathic communication is to practice it as often as possible. The more you do it, the better you will become at it.
One simple way to do this if you have a pet is to always attempt to communicate telepathically before we resort to verbal communication. So, if you want to call your pet to you, try doing so telepathically first. If they don’t come, then you can always try using verbal communication.
Make a point of trying to communicate with animals that you encounter during your daily commute or when going for a little walk in the park to get some exercise.
You can also join a local animal communication meetup group or participate in online forums and practice sessions. These are great opportunities to not only practice your skills, but also to get feedback from other communicators.
Another way to practice telepathic communication is to send messages to friends or family members who are open to receiving them. This can be done either in person or from a distance. If you are doing it from a distance, it is important to first get the permission of the person you will be sending the message to.
When you are first starting out, it is best to keep the messages simple. For example, you could send a message like “I hope you are having a good day” or “I am thinking of you”. As you become more proficient at telepathic communication, you can start sending more complex messages.
The point is, you need to practice multiple times a day if you want to develop the telepathic proficiencies of a professional animal communicator.
Another great way to practice telepathic communication is to keep a journal. This can be done either by writing or by drawing pictures.
Journaling will give you a clear sense of progress, as you will be able to look back and see how far you have come.
Whenever you attempt to communicate telepathically with an animal, make sure to write down the following:
– The date and time of the attempt
– The animal you attempted to communicate with
– What you tried to communicate
– What, if anything, you received in return
Even if you don’t receive a reply from the animal, it is important to write down what you attempted to communicate. This will give you a clear sense of your progress and help you see what is working and what is not.
If you find that you are not receiving any replies from animals, don’t get discouraged. It takes time and practice to develop the ability to communicate telepathically. Just keep at it and eventually you will start to see results.
Not only does journaling provide a record of useful lessons that you can refer back to, it also helps instantly concretize our learning, much like taking notes in class. For that reason, you may even want to use your journal as a notebook as you continue through this training.
A journal is an excellent tool for making affirmations. You can write down what you want to achieve with your telepathic communication skills and then read it back to yourself multiple times a day. This will help program your subconscious mind and attract opportunities for you to practice.
Meditation is a great way to improve your telepathic communication skills. By focusing on your breath and clearing your mind, you will be able to achieve a state of relaxation that is necessary for successful communication.
Meditation is an excellent tool for helping us change our mindsets and behaviors. This is because meditation allows us to access the subconscious mind by quieting the conscious mind. When we tap into the subconscious mind, we can reprogram our brains through the will of our intentions.
You will find that practicing meditation every day is critical to keeping you free from distractions, clearing mental blocks, and aligning your chakras. This will help optimize your performance in everything you do.
Make sure you have a place in your home dedicated to meditation practice. This space should radiate positive energy while also being free from distractions. You may consider carving out a corner of your bedroom for this purpose. It can also help to have healthy plants and natural light in the space, as they will help increase positive energy.
You may also consider burning incense or candles in your meditation space. It is important to use caution when burning candles, as they should never be left unattended.
You can also make use of sound to help amplify your focus, and block out distractions. There are many excellent meditation apps that offer guided meditations with relaxing music.
Binaural beats are also excellent for helping to achieve focus during meditation. Binaural means “having or relating to two ears.” And “beats” refers to the pulses that we can hear when listening to these sounds.
It works by playing two tones at slightly different frequencies in each ear. When these tones are combined, they create a third frequency of pulses.
Binaural beats that result in higher frequency pulses such as Gamma and Alpha waves induce more conscious states. These states are related to high performance, they help us focus and make us more sensitive to stimuli.
Lower frequency pulses such as Delta and Theta waves are associated with less conscious states. These are states related to relaxation, deep sleep, and dreaming. These are hypnotic states where we can access the subconscious mind and tend to be the most useful during meditation.
While we are alert and operating in the world, however, we do not want to be in these low frequency states as we are highly vulnerable to suggestion. We think less for ourselves and give more control to external forces.
In telepathic communication, this could be useful in that it allows us to be more easily influenced by energies outside of ourselves, thereby making us more powerful empaths.
Listening to binaural beats puts both sides of our brain into sympathetic resonance. Right and left brain come into coherence and our thought patterns become more uniform and less scattered. This uniformity and coherence between brain hemispheres creates a synchronistic effect whereby brain waves from the left and right sides amplify one another rather than interfering with one another.
We need to be able to quickly shift the frequencies of our consciousness to serve us best in the moment. Do we need to be fully conscious and alert for focus and performance, or do we need to tap into the subconscious mind for inspiration, insight, and empathy? Being able to move between these states efficiently can be directly controlled through the use of binaural, but it can also be trained through meditation.
Whether you make use of binaural beats or not, be sure to make meditation an integral part of your daily routine. It is also important to try to meditate at the same time every day to help make the habit stick. We’ll talk more about meditation in the next module and give you powerful tools and exercises to help you get the most out of your meditations as an animal communicator.
Summary of Key Points
- The practice of telepathy can seem daunting at first, but there are a few tricks and tips that can make it easier. In this section, we shared some mindsets, habits, and techniques that can help improve your telepathic ability.
- Mindset is important when practicing telepathy. You need to believe that you can do it in order to achieve success. Your routines and habits also have profound effects on your ability to communicate telepathically.
- Adopting new mindsets is crucial to your success as an animal communicator. Once our behavior matches a mindset we know that we have properly integrated it into our belief system.
- We reviewed a list of the key behavioral indicators for each mindset that will help you assess whether or not the mindset has truly been adopted.
- People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and other talents can be developed through hard work and dedication.
- People with a growth mindset are not afraid of failure and know that even if they don’t succeed at first, they can learn from their mistakes and try again. They have a positive attitude towards life. They are optimistic, and they believe that anything is possible if they put in the effort.
- When you adopt the mindset that you are already capable of telepathy, you begin to view yourself and the world in a different way. This change in perspective allows you to recognize your own telepathic abilities and situate yourself on a spectrum of competence rather than a binary (those who can and those who cannot).
- Making a daily practice of telepathy is a very strong indication that you believe it is real enough to invest your time into.
- We often treat our animal companions as if they were already telepathic. We speak to them as if they understand us, we often attribute human emotions and characteristics to them, and we generally expect them to know what we want or how we feel. This also opens you up to the possibility of receiving telepathic messages from them.
- Animal communication is largely based upon trust. We need to have faith that the individuals we communicate with are acting in good faith and that they indeed mean what they say.
- It is important to validate the message you have received, not just for your own sake but also for the animal’s. They need to know that you have received their message and that you are taking it seriously.
- You’ll find that acknowledging the messages you are receiving helps move the communication forward. It engages the animal and builds a stronger empathic connection as the animal recognizes that you are understanding it.
- You can validate the message in a number of ways: simply say ‘thank you’, nod or give some other physical indication, or you can mentally validate the message by thinking to yourself ‘I acknowledge that I have received this message’.
- It takes tremendous practice and experience to become a proficient telepath. The most effective telepathic animal communicators have developed powerful routines that allow them to connect with animals on a regular basis and learn the fundamental skills, mindsets, and traits that keep them sharp.
- Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself on a regular basis. An affirmation for telepathic animal communication might be ‘I am a powerful telepathic animal communicator’. Besides helping you to remove inner blocks to telepathic communication, affirmations allow you to align your self-identity with your behavior.
- Make sure that you are making your affirmations on a daily basis and always at similar times, either following or preceding the same action every day. Doing this you will be more likely to make a habit of your affirmations.
- Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and exercise. This is important as telepathic communication relies on subtle changes in the magnetic field around the body, which are more likely to occur when there is good blood flow.
- In addition, exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that have mood boosting effects. This is important as telepathic animal communication is more likely to be effective when you are in a positive state of mind.
- Another important factor in achieving effective telepathic communication is making sure that you are eating balanced meals. In addition to helping with general health and well-being, eating balanced meals provides the energy needed for telepathic communication and other energy intensive brain states.
- When the body has the nutrients it needs, it can function at its best and this includes being able to effectively communicate telepathically.
- Besides consuming a traditionally nutritious diet, the use of Ayurvedic principles can also benefit you from a dietary standpoint. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, and includes principles of diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies.
- The best way to become better at telepathic communication is to practice it as often as possible. The more you do it, the better you will become at it. One simple way to do this if you have a pet is to always attempt to communicate telepathically before we resort to verbal communication.
- Make a point of trying to communicate with animals that you encounter during your daily commute or when going for a little walk in the park to get some exercise.
- When you are first starting out, it is best to keep the messages simple. For example, you could send a message like “I hope you are having a good day” or “I am thinking of you”. As you become more proficient at telepathic communication, you can start sending more complex messages.
- You need to practice multiple times a day if you want to develop the telepathic proficiency of a professional animal communicator.
- If you find that you are not receiving any replies from animals, don’t get discouraged. It takes time and practice to develop the ability to communicate telepathically. Just keep at it and eventually you will start to see results.
- Another great way to practice telepathic communication is to keep a journal. This can be done either by writing or by drawing pictures. Journalling will give you a clear sense of progress as you will be able to look back and see how far you have come.
- Not only does journaling provide a record of useful lessons that you can refer back to, it also helps instantly concretize our learning, much like taking notes in class.
- By focusing on your breath and clearing your mind, you will be able to achieve a state of relaxation that is necessary for successful communication.
- Meditation is an excellent tool for helping us change our mindsets and behaviors because it allows us to access the subconscious mind by quieting the conscious mind. When we tap into the subconscious mind, we can reprogram our brains through the will of our intentions.
- You will find that practicing meditation every day is critical to keeping you free from distractions, clearing mental blocks and aligning your chakras. All of which will make you a better animal communicator.
- Binaural beats are also excellent for helping to achieve focus during meditation. It works by playing two tones at slightly different frequencies in each ear. When these tones are combined, they create a third frequency of pulses.
- Binaural beats that result in higher frequency pulses such as Gamma and Alpha waves induce more conscious states that help us focus and make us more sensitive to stimulus. Lower frequency pulses such as Delta and Theta waves are associated with less conscious states.
- In telepathic communication this could be useful in that it allows us to be more easily influenced by energies outside of ourselves, thereby making us more powerful empaths.
- We need to be able to quickly shift the frequencies of our consciousness to serve us best in the moment. This can be directly controlled through the use of binaural beats, but they can also be trained through meditation.
- Be sure to make meditation an integral part of your daily routine; the same time every day to help make the habit stick.
Exercise : Domestic Animal Telepathy
To bring this module to a close, let’s take everything that you’ve learned about telepathy and apply it to animals. Besides the fact that practicing on animals is the whole purpose of animal communication, there are a number of advantages to practicing telepathy with our domestic animal friends.
First and foremost, our animal friends already trust us and are more likely to give us their undivided attention. They are non-judgmental and will love you no matter how accurate or inaccurate your messages may be. Secondly, they cannot tell us what they are thinking, so we don’t have to worry about them accidentally spoiling the experiment with their words. Thirdly, they live with us, so we can often get a lot of practice without having to go out of our way to find a telepathic partner.
With a domestic animal, we can have them sit and focus on an image that we present to them in a way that is much more difficult with feral animals. For example, if you have a dog, you can bring them to a space with zero distractions and easily have them sit and focus on objects that you present to them. This is similarly the case with most domestic mammals, birds, and even reptiles.
For this reason, we can adapt the telepathy exercise for humans to practice with animals.
This is a slightly more difficult exercise, but with the same principle in mind. The main difference is that you will be trying to communicate with an animal rather than a human.
- A domestic animal, preferably one that you are familiar with. You can also try with animals that you have never met, if you have access to them, for a more challenging exercise.
- 20 Cue cards
- Animal communication journal
- On all 20 cue cards, draw simple shapes or images. Stack the cue cards into a deck and then shuffle them.
- Approach the animal you have chosen and sit down a few feet away from them. Make sure they are aware of your presence, but that you are not threatening in any way, and that there are the fewest possible distractions in the space.
- Again, use breath work to enter a mindful and coherent energetic state. This is even more important when working with animals, as they can sense your energy and intentions. Do not close your eyes, but rather stay focused on the animal. You are guiding this exercise and without your engagement the animal may lose focus and the exercise will fail.
- Continue until you feel calm and centered.
- Now without looking at it, present the first card to the animal. Make sure that they are looking at the image. You can also send your own telepathic messages asking them to stay focused on the image.
- Bring awareness to your pineal gland or third eye chakra. Imagine it is a lens that is peering at the animal and seeing deep into their being.
- Consider what images and feelings are coming to you. If nothing comes to you immediately, formulate a question for the animal and send it telepathically. This could be as simple as “What is this?” as you hold the card up to them.
- When you feel you are most in tune with the animal, your intuition will highlight certain thoughts and impressions coming to you. Trust this intuition, and use it to inform your answer.
- Write down in your animal communication journal, which card you think you presented to the animal
- Now turn the cue card and look at the image. Compare the answer you wrote down in your journal to the image on the cue card.
Keep repeating this process and keep track of your hits and misses. If you manage to come relatively close to the correct answer 3 times in a row, you can feel confident that you are able to communicate telepathically with animals. Be sure to end with some gratitude for the animal’s willingness to help you improve your skills.
In conclusion, telepathy offers an extraordinary way to connect with animals and understand them on a deeper level. Embracing the right mindset, practicing consistently, and adopting healthy habits can significantly improve your telepathic ability. If you’re interested in further developing your skills and becoming an animal communication specialist, consider enrolling in Scholistico’s Animal Communication Specialist Training Course. This comprehensive course is accredited by IPHM, CMA, and CPD, ensuring a high-quality learning experience. To learn more about the course, visit the product page here.
If you’re curious about how animal communication can benefit you professionally, explore this informative article on Scholistico’s website: How Animal Communication Can Benefit Professionally. And to understand more about the process of learning to communicate with animals, read this article: Animal Communication Course: Learn to Communicate.
To learn more about the accrediting organizations, visit the following pages:
- International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)
- Complementary Medical Association (CMA)
- Centre of CPD Excellence
Embarking on a journey to become an animal communication specialist can open up a world of new opportunities, both personally and professionally. Start your journey today and unlock the potential of telepathic communication with animals.